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Posts posted by albertkinng

  1. blue version added above :)


    Thx! I love it (even with the issue of the border (I've tried to match the same blue but even with the opacity at 100% it seems like a little bit of transparency thug )

  2. alfred://theme/searchForegroundColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&resultSubtextFontSize=1&searchSelectionForegroundColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&separatorColor=rgba(240,240,240,0.00)&resultSelectedBackgroundColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.50)&shortcutColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&scrollbarColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&imageStyle=3&resultSubtextFont=Lucida%20Grande&background=rgba(0,0,0,0.42)&shortcutFontSize=2&searchFontSize=2&resultSubtextColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&searchBackgroundColor=rgba(236,236,236,0.00)&name=CMD%2BTAB&resultTextFontSize=2&resultSelectedSubtextColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&shortcutSelectedColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&widthSize=1&border=rgba(255,255,255,0.00)&resultTextFont=Lucida%20Grande&resultTextColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&cornerRoundness=0&searchFont=Lucida%20Grande&searchPaddingSize=0&credits=Rodger%20W&searchSelectionBackgroundColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.50)&resultSelectedTextColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&resultPaddingSize=0&shortcutFont=Lucida%20Grande


    is a start perhaps.


    hey! I want to see what is this! I'm curious! How can I implement this code in Alfred to see the result?

  3. Actually, there is no "recommended method" for freeing RAM as it is a bad idea to begin with. OS X handles the RAM management quite well, there is no need to free RAM as it will only slow down the system.


    You are wrong. This workflow is a gread asset for people like me that works in media production. Sometimes no matter if you are MAX out of Ram and have the fastest drive installed your editing app will start freezing or crashing. When you chek your ram info it seems the ram can't handle the workflow then you need to A) RESTART and wait everything to load again or B) PURGE RAM and keep working with a smile. I'm always purging the ram every day. My shift is more or less 12 hours and the Mac start getting slower at mid shift.


    Thanks for this workflow! A DAY SAVER!

  4. Hmm, this fails for me as well... :/


    OS X 10.8.3

    Alfred v2 official release build


    1. Quit Alfred

    2.1. Launched Terminal

    2.2. Executed: defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -float 3.0

    3. Launched Alfred


    Still looks as before.


    My friend, don't sweated.


    you need to apply it (as I can tell you already did) and then go and customized a them using the opacity option of the color palette. then you will be able to see it . good Luck!

  5. Btw, the idea behind you previous request to be able to quickly show a list of frequently used apps was to save them to the faves list, then create a hotkey to access the faves list.


    WOW. you nailed it ! You are a very intelligent man. Thanks, you give me 2 hours extra to play with my 4 years old daughter.. . 

  6. Strange, I could have sworn I responded to this thread. Apologies..


    Anyway, for something like this, since its just a URL that you are saving, rather than creating a workflow, why not just use custom searches? Under Features->Web Search, you can create a custom search for each of the urls, give them a name, an icon, etc, and just set all of their keywords to 'radio', then when you type 'radio' into Alfred, they will all be listed in Alfred's results.


    Ha! Sometimes thinking too much can blind you from simplicity! Thx

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