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Everything posted by zeitlings

  1. Hey @andyedin, I just checked the IEEE citation style, and it looks like Citeproc fails to parse it: Failed to get Citation with style 'ieee' with error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (CiteprocRsKit.CRError error 1.) (The debugger can provide some information if something doesn't work as expected: When viewing the workflow in Alfred, press cmd+D to open the panel.) The error is not very descriptive, unfortunately. I've noticed the same behavior with other citation styles. For example, APA 6th edition was updated a few days ago, and the parsing has been failing ever since. (Others seem to have the same problems: #156.) Something is causing Citeproc to panic and I don't know why. The best idea I have for now is to find an alternative version of the style. This one seems to work, for example: IEEE (with URL). You could also try to compare the two styles to find out what the problem might be. You can find the styles like this: ubib :c > Browse Data Folder > csl.
  2. GIF from Images The workflow allows you to convert a series of still images into animated GIFs. For this, it uses ImageMagick as a dependency. Usage Send a series of still images to the workflow's File Action to create an animated GIF. The smallest image determines the dimensions of the result. All source images are assumed to be of the same file type, e.g. jpg or png.
  3. Heads-up Display This is a demo for displaying notifications on a heads-up display in Alfred. I wrote it as part of µBib, but I figured it might be interesting as a standalone. The script takes two arguments: The text to display The width of the prompt You can find it here on Github.
  4. µBib | MicroBib Citations, BibTeX, and Research The workflow combines the APIs of Crossref, Semantic Scholar, OpenAlex, OpenLibrary, Wikipedia, Google Books, and doi.org. Reference metadata is highly inconsistent, incomplete, erroneous or otherwise flawed across different sources. µBib tries to remedy this by heuristically aggregating information from different sources into one best possible result. Core Functions Reference lookup using DOI, ISBN, PMID, PMCID, MAG, arXiv, ACL identifiers, and URLs (e.g. jstor) CSL formatted citations from identifiers and BibTeX Free-text search for publication discovery Author lookup and publication retrieval Ad hoc citation graph traversal Lightweight BibTeX reference management and citation picker Note: The workflow has some interoperability with my DEVONthink workflow (Forum Thread, Github) Documentation Find the full documentation on Github Previews Metadata retrieval Reference Management & Citation Picker
  5. Possibly. I assumed that by now macOS ships with SF Pro by default. Doesn't it? The font is not included in the workflow.
  6. I'm kind of stealing @Alan He's thunder with this one, sorry about that. But the workflow runs without external dependencies, which is always preferable imho.
  7. QResolve Resolve and open links from QR codes Usage A / Take a snapshot of the QR code you want to open the link to Default keyword: qrlink Default shortcut: ⌘+⇧+7 B / Send an image containing the QR code to the workflow's File Action
  8. They come from Apple's SF Symbols. They are available through the macOS System Font (SF Pro), so technically they're not icons or images and can be used in the subtitles for that reason 😁
  9. I only confirmed that it works with connected Apple devices. Other devices I briefly connected for testing were not found by ioreg or the system profiler, or the battery information was simply not there. If you have a device that you think should show up but doesn't, you can print a log to Alfred's debug window by typing -btb. If you see battery status information that the workflow ignores, feel free to send me those logs. That way I can try to fine-tune the parser. The same goes for specific information about older AirPods and case versions. If you let me know what uniquely identifies them, they can get proper representation.
  10. Bluetooth Device Battery View the battery charge status of connected Bluetooth devices (macOS 13.0+) Make sure you have SF Pro installed to render the symbols.
  11. Hey @andy4222, there is no way to do this with Alfred as far as I know. However, you can build it yourself from scratch. I just finished an experiment that raises a graphical prompt that passes the values you enter to Alfred. This works by wrapping the GUI, i.e. SwiftUI components, in an NSWindow instance. To make it work for your needs, you will need to customize the SwiftUI view and its components. I think the results are quite promising though. 😄 You can download the experiment here
  12. Ah, yes, for the bare minimum, checking "Automatically manage signing" and selecting a Team should be enough. To have a Command Line Tool type project signed and populated with some metadata, I manually create an Info.plist file for the project and make sure it is embedded in the binary via Build Settings.
  13. Whatever kind of certificate Apple grants you for development when you log in with your Apple-ID I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Sure, I completely agree and understand the concern. The binaries are signed with my personal credentials, which at least means that if something sinister were to go on, I could hardly escape the blame. I would prefer to have them notarized, but alas, Apple charges for that, and since this is just a hobby, I've decided not to do so for now. If that isn't enough to inspire confidence, I won't blame anyone, but ... 🤷‍♂️ As for the MIT license being a problem here, I don't think it's a problem at all: The software is provided "as is".
  15. The piece of code you're referring to isn't very useful on its own, and I haven't uploaded any of my more complex Xcode projects yet. There are various reasons why I haven't shared them at the moment, but I appreciate your interest.
  16. Thanks! 😁 The project is becoming more and more interesting for me as well. What I mean when I say that the compression utility is decoupled is just that I've rewritten the code internally so that it can be called independently of the OCR routine - as opposed to being an ad hoc change to the output content stream that writes the PDF to disk. It's still baked into the program. I've checked out what it is you're doing with your optimize action. It looks like you're just tweaking the DPI/ PPI, right? (k2pdfopt <> -ui- -as -mode copy -dpi <>) Since I’ve also been checking out K2pdfopt, I came across the -bpc option btw., which reduces the number of bits per color plane. Maybe you already know about it, but this looks like it could be interesting for your implementation 😄 I am not actually touching the DPI at the moment. I am playing around with CoreImage, Quartz Filters and Image Bitmaps. Quartz Filters are something the Preview App also uses for it's "compression", btw. You can find the macOS presets under `/System/Library/Filters`. I'm sure there is a way to apply them via the command line.
  17. @TomBenz I just updated the workflow to include compression. If you remember the 1.2 MB sample you sent me, it blew up to 7.9 MB uncompressed. With compression, we level off at 589 KB on my machine without butchering the file 😁. However, compressing a PDF does not always result in a smaller file size, so I've decided to keep the uncompressed PDF document around if compression does not actually produce the desired result. Let me know what happens to the 1.15 GB document! I've decoupled the compression utility, which means you can now compress any PDF without having to run OCR on it. For some documents this works really well, for others it may inflate the file size even more. Which factors play a role here remains a task for future experiments to find out... There are also some internal improvements, additions to the workflow and tweaks: v1.3.0 (OCR+) Added PDF compression Added a keyword for quick access to the workflow configuration (Alfred 5.1+) Added Universal Action modifier option to apply compression to PDFs (⇧⌘) Added Universal Action modifier option to open converted PDFs in the default application (⌥⇧) Added a configuration option to open converted PDFs in the default application Added a configuration option to specify how text should be joined when taking a snapshot Added a File Action to compress PDF documents Changed the modifier keys to replace a PDF and added noticeable visual queues (⌥⌘) Changed the way an export strategy is specified by using a pop-up selection box Improved performance
  18. Sure! The download link now works from all servers I've tested. https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/ always results in 404 Not Found - nginx (which is probably intended?), and https://alfredapp.com works fine.
  19. Confirmed. When switching servers on a VPN, sometimes the download works, sometimes it does not. (And without VPN it doesn't work for me)
  20. I mean this window here, where only the button "Reinstall Tasks" was visible instead of "Update Tasks". What I wanted to point out is that it didn't show me that an update was available. I only mention it in case this could be an indicator of a problem with the propagation of the updates. Maybe it is nothing and they would have appeared sooner or later 😄
  21. Ah, that is because of the newish Regex struct that Apple introduced and unfortunately requires macOS 13.0+ I'll check how feasible it is to downgrade or to add support for earlier versions.
  22. Nice! FYI, I had to click on "Reinstall Tasks" before they showed up in the Extras section. Before that, the Modal said "Automation Tasks are up to date". Is this the intended behavior, or should there be a hint that new stuff is available?
  23. Quill | Text Processing Utility Quill is a text processing utility for automation. Currently, 87 commands are available, many of which can be combined to achieve more complex modifications. Usage Note The workflow has five entry points. When... Using the keyword (default: v), the clipboard is processed. Using the main Universal Action, the text that is passed to it is processed. Using the main shortcut (default: ⌃+⌥+⌘+#), the text of your selection in macOS is processed. Using custom shortcuts, the text of your selection in macOS is processed. Using custom Universal Actions, the text that is passed to them is processed. When using the main shortcut, the transformed text is always pasted to the frontmost application. Whether the transformed text will be pasted when using the other entry points depends on your choice in the Workflow Configuration, or on a case-by-case basis for your custom implementations. Hold ⌘ on the main Universal Action to ensure that the transformation result is just copied to the clipboard. When you use the keyword or one of the main entry points, you will always be presented with all available transforms. These are filtered as you begin typing. Setting up custom entry points allows you to directly invoke the commands you want (see Automation). Find all available commands and the full documentation on Github. Quill in Action Dynamic Commands Remove Lines Containing Insensitive... Keep Lines Containing Insensitive... Replace occurrences of... with... Remove lines containing... Keep lines containing... Prepend... Wrap in... Remove... Bonus: The commands Replace and Remove accept regular expressions. Static Commands Expand to see all available static commands Make List Shift Left Title Case Remove List Shift Right URL Encoded URL Decoded Extract URLs Remove Quotes LaTeX Encoded LaTeX Decoded Romanize Text Extract Dates Base64 Encode Base64 Decode Markdown to RTF Markdown to HTML Increment Number Lowercase Letters Uppercase Letters Extract Addresses Word Segmentation Remove All Numbers Reverse Line Order " Wrap in Quotes " `Wrap in Backticks` Normalize Diacritics LaTeX Encoded (full) LaTeX Decoded (full) Escape Double Quotes ( Wrap in Brackets ) Extract Phone Numbers Fix File Name (Smart) Smart Quotation Marks Fix Letterspaced Words Trim Leading Whitespace Extract Email Addresses Sort by count ascending Fix Umlauts (Diaeresis) Repeat with Last Command Trim Trailing Whitespace Sort by count descending Straight Quotation Marks ' Wrap in Single Quotes ' < Wrap in Angle Brackets > { Wrap in Curly Brackets } Remove Leading Line Numbers [ Wrap in Square Brackets ] Remove Whitespace Characters Escape Whitespace Characters Romanize Text (No Diacritics) Sort alphabetically ascending Remove Newlines (Line Endings) Convert URLs to Markdown Links Sort alphabetically descending Remove All Whitespace Characters Replace Newlines with Whitespace Remove Multiple Newline Characters Initial caps of words (capitalize) Replace Underscores with Whitespace Trim Leading and Trailing Whitespace Remove Duplicate Lines (ignore case) Remove Multiple Whitespace Characters Remove Duplicate Lines (literal compare) Remove Duplicate Lines (ignore diacritics) Remove Duplicate Lines (ignore whitespace) Replace Dashes and Hyphens with Whitespace Fix words broken by end-of-line hyphenation NFD - Normalization Form Canonical Composition Remove Duplicate Lines (ignore diacritics and case) NFKD - Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposition Replace Dashes, Hyphens and Underscores with Whitespace Remove Duplicate Lines (ignore diacritics, case and whitespace) NFC - Normalization Form Canonical Decomposition + Canonical Composition NFKC - Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposition + Canonical Composition
  24. Looks like telegram-cli is trying to dynamically link lua or some lua library. The error means that the library was not loaded because it could not be found in any of the locations/ paths the linker would expect it to be. It tried all these locations and then gave up: '/usr/local/opt/lua/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file) '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/local/opt/lua/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file) '/usr/local/opt/lua/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file) '/usr/local/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file) '/usr/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache) '/usr/local/Cellar/lua/5.4.4_1/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file) '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/local/Cellar/lua/5.4.4_1/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file) '/usr/local/Cellar/lua/5.4.4_1/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file) 'usr/local/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/liblua.5.3.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache) Perhaps you have to install lua? brew install lua@5.3 If it is installed, perhaps there is a way to add its path to the lookup contingent somehow. Maybe it is as simple as copy-pasting that library into the same folder where the executable is (cf. the Soulver Core workflow where this seems to work fine). I ran into these linking issues once or twice before but never had the patience to really figure them out. Good luck 😅
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