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Everything posted by Efty.Edge

  1. Hi again, i restarted my Mac and even the Finder. Rename 3.0 shows the same behavior. So far so good, then i will be patient and also wait for the first beta. Thank you for your support. Best regards Efty
  2. Hello Carlos thanx for your quick reply. I've done as told ... ... and here is the german error message. error "„Finder“ hat einen Fehler erhalten: Der Vorgang kann im Moment nicht abgeschlossen werden, da eine andere Aufgabe, wie Bewegen oder Kopieren eines Objekts oder Entleeren des Papierkorbs, durchgeführt wird." number -8065 In english it means something link this. Finder has received an error. The operation can not be completed, because there a different task, such as moving or copying an object or emptying the Trash is performed. Hope this helps...!? Best regards Efty
  3. Hi Carlos, Rename 3.0 works like charm under Mavericks. Thank you for this little nice utility! It makes my life much easier. But to my surprise it stops working under OS X 10.10 Yosemite... Here the error message: 0 , , file, , renamed (,1 , failed) Is a quick fix possible!? Thanx in advance. Efty
  4. And at last ... you are right, the link to the mini player from the spotify folder to the alfred workflow folder was corrupt. Now it works! Thank you very much for your help and for this fantastic workflow. Efty
  5. Hi again, i did all that you wrote in your manual, so here are my logs DEBUG.LOG DEBUG: Library update in progress: the file/Users/Efty/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player/update_library_in_progress is present The directory/Users/Efty/Spotify/spotify-app-miniplayer is not present The directory/Users/Efty/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player/library.db is not present Darwin MacBook-Pro.local 13.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0: Thu Sep 19 22:22:27 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2422.1.72~6/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 OUTPUTLOG <?xml version="1.0"?> <items><item arg="" valid="no"><arg></arg><title>Workflow is not configured, library.db is missing</title><subtitle>Select Install library below</subtitle><icon>./images/warning.png</icon></item><item arg="|||||||update_library||" valid="yes"><arg>|||||||update_library||</arg><title>Install library</title><subtitle>when done you'll receive a notification. you can check progress by invoking the workflow again</subtitle><icon>./images/update.png</icon></item></items> If you really need the tar.gz of the logs, than please let me know how to send it to you. Best Regards Efty
  6. Hi, today i tried to install your Spotify mini player. I use Mavericks, latest Alfred, latest Spotify and the latest version of your script. I also enabled the Spotify App API. But every time i tried to update the library the first time, Spotify says 'Faild to load application miniplayer' and 'Application is not installed'. I tried to reinstall everything several times, but without success. Can you give me a hand. Thanx Efty
  7. Hi again, with the latest version the download from audio and video works like charm! Thanx for that. Only the progress bar will not work. Mavericks says it's a script from an uncertified developer. As usual i tried to open the script in finder. But the finder would let me...!? Efty
  8. Hi Luca, it seems to be a nice workflow... But unfortunately i'm german, so it doesn't work on my MBPR with Mavericks in your Version. So i tried to do some litte fixes and translated some english menu names into german. on alfred_script(q) tell application "System Preferences" reveal anchor "displaysDisplayTab" of pane "com.apple.preference.displays" end tell tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences" to tell window "Integriertes Retina-Display" click radio button "Monitor" of tab group 1 click radio button "Skaliert“ of radio group 1 of tab group 1 if (q is "f" or q is "F") then click radio button 5 of radio group 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 else if (q is "b" or q is "B") then click radio button 3 of radio group 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 else if (q is "h" or q is "H") then click radio button 4 of radio group 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 else return "No matching resolution!" end if end tell quit application "System Preferences" end alfred_script My MBPR doesn't switch either... Can you please give me an advice!? Thanx in advance Efty
  9. @untoldwind Thank you very much. It works like charm and 'Moom' is now History. It would be really nice if in the future this personal settings will not be overwritten. But now - i'm really happy. Kind regards. Efty
  10. Great workflow. I will use it to replace 'Moom'. But i have a litte feature request for the Full an Center Views. Can you please make it possible to change the value of the border. In Center it is a default of 10 % in Full view none. It like 15 % and maybe 20 px. Nevertheless, your Workflow is fantastic. Efty
  11. Hi Ritahugisha, Fantastic workflow! And as far as i see, really the best featured video and sound downloader... Please go on! But i have a essential problem, the Download doesn't work. It make no difference if i install the youtube-dl into the extension dir or in /usr/bin. Can you please give me an advice!? Thanx in advance. Efty
  12. Great work! But why don't you automatic retrieve the url from the open browser window!? Never the less, its really nice! Efty
  13. Hi davidyannik, there is no reason to download youtube-dl seperatly.It's part of the workflow and already placed in the workflow folder. So - just install the workflow for your browser and give it a try. Efty
  14. Hi Vitor. You are right, the firefox part is a little bit tricky, but there is no direct applescript support. But on my MBPR it works flawless. By the way - the last hours i tried to reproduce the error but i can't. I've no idea whats the reason!? Maybe anyone else had an idea. Efty
  15. Hi _mk_ Thank you! It's really simple. So excuse me i have to do a double Facepalm... Efty
  16. Hi. Currently i only use applescript. I have no idea from bin/bash programming. So can someone please tell me how to put an keyword argument into a usr/bin/osascript variable to use it in the script!? I try something like this... KEYWORD ARGUMENT: yd update Script: if {query} = "update" then ... Thanx in advance. Efty
  17. Hi Vitor. If you like, feel free to do the changes. Any help or idea is welcome! I must confess, that i'm a real applescript newbie and this small script above are more the 10 hours of work. But i'm really sure, that with the help in this forum i can get even better. Good night from Germany Efty
  18. Hi. First i would like to thank David Ferguson and Subject22 for their help. The following Workflow automatic downloads the Youtube video which is opened in your Browser. To do this, the workflow made use of the Python Script 'youtube-dl' developed by RICARDO GARCIA GONZALES and his Team. Here is the link to their project site: http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/index.html I use this command line script since several month and it is fantastic, because it downloads a movie in the highest available qualitiy. Nothing more, nothing less. And the best - it supports... YouTube.com, metacafe.com, Google Video, Photobucket videos, Dailymotion, DepositFiles, blip.tv, vimeo, myvideo.de, The Daily Show / Colbert Nation, The Escapist, CollegeHumor, arte.tv, Soundcloud, xvideos, infoq, mixcloud, Stanford Open Content, Youku, MTV, XNXX, Google Plus, A generic downloader that works in some sites To download a video just open a youtube site in your browser and start the Workflow with the keyword. It is not necessary to view the video during the download, it can be paused. The download itself begins immediately and is finished if the final notification says so. The filename and the file extension of the downloaded video file is generated from the youtube-dl script. When finished the video resides on your Desktop. Sorry, but until the reported problem with the AllInOne workflow can be fixed, i will post the single versions. ;( Firefox Google Chrome Google Chrome Canary Opera Safari Webkit Updates: 2013-04-15: Split the AllInOne workflow to single ones 2013-04-12: Support for Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Webkit, Opera, Google Chrome Canary 2013-04-12: Pick the url from the frontmost browser 2013-04-12: Error Handling and Notifications
  19. Hi Subject22 and David. Thanx for your help and your advice. I'm a scripting newbie, so i'm very glad and thankful for any help! David - your script works like charm, but i didn't really understand how it works. I promise, i've tried it an hour or two!!! At last i finished mine in Applescript ... Efty
  20. Hi David! Sorry for my late reply and thank you for your help. But i'm not able to get your script to work with mine. So developed following solution in applescript. #/usr/bin/osascript try tell application "Safari" to tell document 1 set theLink to (get URL) end tell end try try tell application "Terminal" do shell script "python youtube-dl -o ~/Downloads/movie.mp4 " & theLink end tell end try tell application "Terminal" to quit return "Download Finished... " This one works really fine, but i have a few questions you can maybe help me with. I would like to use an argument after the keyword to replace the filename 'movie.mp4' with a user defined one. How can i do it? Is it possible the execute the 'do shell script...' without a visible Terminal window? And at last. Is it possible to display a notification in the Notification Center like 'Download started...' at the start of the script which stays visible until the script is finished!? Actual it disappears after 5 sec. as normal. Thank you again. Efty
  21. Hi, Here is my idea of a youtube video downloader workflow. I try to catch the url of the browser and send the url to the youtube-dl script created by Ricardo Garcia Gonzalez (http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/index.html). The syntax to download a youtube video in HQ is simple, just: youtube-dl <url> Everthing works fine except one thing. First I dropped the youtube-dl script into the workflow folder. Then i opened a Youtube Video and started my workflow. In the notification center the catched url is shown. But the youtube-dl script/programm didn't start. Please give me some advice. I'm really, really new to scripting ... Thanx in advance Efty #!/bin/bash # cases that handles fetching the URL them self case "$1" in *) # all other options need the URL, so lets fetch it THEURL=$(sh getURL.sh) # if no url then just exit if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Unable to find a URL" exit else echo $THEURL youtube-dl + $THEURL fi esac
  22. Great! Big thanx. But i have a question. Is it possible to show the album artwork instead of the RDIO icons? Thomas
  23. Hi. First i would like to thank 'David Ferguson' for his quick help and 'weslly' for his [My IP]-Workflow which helps me too. My Workflow disconnect the TimeCapsule from the Internet and reconnect it at the same time to get a new IP-address from the ISP. I used weslly's script to show the actual and the new IP-Address during the process. I hope i can use it without his harm! And at last the file disconnect.jar found in the workflow folder... I found it at the JDownloader Forum where its also used to reconnect the TimeCapsule. I only transfered the whole JDownloader Reconnect process into this alfred.workflow. You have to edit the IP-address in the last bin/bash of the workflow to the one of your TimeCapsule manually. Actual it is set to Maybe someone had an idea to ask for the right IP during the first usage of the workflow. And - finally - here is the link... http://www.file-upload.net/download-7341061/Refresh-TimeCapsules-external-IP-address.alfredworkflow.html Hope you can use it to. Thomas
  24. Hi David. Thank you for your help. It works! And shame on me - the solution was so simple. Thomas
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