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  1. @blacs30 I have done this with both versions and fuzzy filtering was great in 2.2.x. In 2.4.x it is almost unusable. Sometimes I'll type in the name of the item exactly and it still won't populate at the top of the results.
  2. @blacs30 thanks, saw your update in release 2.4.3! @deanishe any idea why fuzzy filtering is drastically worse in 2.4.x versions as opposed to 2.2.x and how it can be improved?
  3. @blacs30 Got it. Man, appreciate your quick reply and help. Would be great if that action is configurable on the next release but it's not a high use case feature I guess. I'll keep an eye out in the next release and if it becomes urgent for me, I'll clone and compile locally. Also, I just updated from v2.2.2 to v2.4.2 and while I'm using fuzzy filtering on both versions, after the update the fuzzy filtering seems to be drastically worse. i.e. prior to update, searching for Groupon would populate all the Groupon.com results at the top whereas post update maybe one would be at the top while another Groupon item would be like the 7th result. I'm using fuzzy filtering bc I want to be able to populate results that contain rather than starts with my keyword. I don't understand why fuzzy filtering results are worse now. Do you have any idea why and if it's fixable or possible to improve? I set the env variable REORDERING_DISABLED to false to cache most used items (as a workaround) but I didn't have this set to false prior to updating. Thanks!
  4. Hey @deanishe and @blacs30. Appreciate your help as always! The shift modifier says it will copy the item URL but instead it opens the URL in the browser. Where can I look to change this behavior to just copy the URL instead? Would I have to clone the repo and modify the code locally? Thanks again!
  5. Thank you @deanishe. Did the trick and not much noticeably slower! Appreciate you!
  6. Hey @deanishe @blacs30 any ideas on how to modify search to look for items that contain the query rather than starts with?
  7. @deanishe Appreciate the reply man! Also appreciate all your support on everything else! I know about this tip but what I forgot to mention was that I changed the workflow from a keyword to hotkey trigger so history unfortunately won't work in my situation. What I'm trying to do is save the query last typed after I use the hotkey to activate the workflow. With keyword trigger, your tip works perfectly. With hotkey trigger, I don't see that the query or selection is saved to a var. What I do see is "Getting item for id..." Not sure if this is the right approach or how to achieve saving this to a file to automatically repopulate on the next hotkey trigger (maybe even with a timeout, i.e. it will automatically repopulate my last selection if hotkey is trigger within the next minute), but I do know how to write to file. Please let me know if you have any ideas on achieving this. Again, thanks for your help! 😃
  8. Hi @blacs30 & @deanishe Is it possible to save the query and repopulate it on the next trigger? Trying to avoid having to research every time to copy password after copying username. Other than that, great workflow. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Is it possible to save the query and repopulate it on the next trigger? Trying to avoid having to research every time to copy password after copying username @blacs30
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