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  1. @APS I just whipped this up, is this the kind of thing you're looking for? https://github.com/FireFingers21/alfred-tag-finder Modern versions of macOS seem to make it non-trivial to quickly list every Finder tag, at least from within a simple shell script. My solution for now was to use tag as a required dependency, details in the README.
  2. @rzagreb Nice! Looking forward to seeing the workflow evolve! Also, I was able to get argv working by modifying the beginning of your script filter code like so: function run(argv) { ObjC.import('stdlib'); const app = Application('Notes'); const query = argv[0].toLowerCase(); const notes = app.notes.whose({ name: { _contains: query } })(); I added argv as an argument to the run() function and replaced '{query}' in your variable declaration to argv[0].
  3. @banane Welcome to the forum! Neat workflow, simple concept, works great! It's impressive that you programmed the Script Filter yourself, but one consideration could be to use a File Filter instead. It would search faster, finds apps outside just the /Applications folders, and solves your current issue of Mac Catalyst apps such as Overcast not having an icon. The only caveat is unlike your current implementation with the Script Filter, the File Filter won't show results until you start typing.
  4. Welcome to the forum! Sharing a first workflow is always exciting. Out of curiosity, is the goal of your workflow different from what this other workflow already does? https://github.com/sballin/alfred-search-notes-app
  5. Updated to 2024.8. Notable changes include: Added support for favicons (requires at least linkding 1.31.1). Bookmarks no longer get overwritten if the server responds with an error code. Timestamp for last bookmark reload no longer reads/writes a text file.
  6. Another related bug is when no "Action modifier" is checked, holding fn on its own or alongside any other modifier keys still allows connected objects to run when they shouldn't. This applies to all objects supporting Alternative Actions, not just the Text View.
  7. See the Dynamic Placeholders documentation, it has everything you're looking for. For your first question, try this: [ACTION REQUIRED] {isodate:yy.MM - MMMM} Invoice (WCHS PAA 2425) And your second: {isodate +1d:EEEE, MMMM dd, YYYY} at {time:short}
  8. @TomBenz A lot of workflows use variables created in the Configuration Builder for object keywords. This has the benefit of setting a default keyword while allowing easier user customization; it's all handled from the "Configure Workflow..." menu rather than manually editing each workflow object. In your case, this would let you reuse and programmatically access all the keywords in the workflow since they're stored in variables. If I understand you correctly though, you're not going to be able to use this to dynamically update the Markdown in the "About this workflow" README. In that case, just referencing each keyword as its default value should be easy enough to understand.
  9. @jxg79 There's a forum thread from a few years ago that has some of us asking for a little more manual control over the sort order of the default Universal Actions. While @Stephen_C and @Vero's suggestions seem to have solved your first question, I agree finagling Alfred's sorting algorithm isn't always viable, particularly with the default actions. Chime in on that forum thread if that's something you want as well. Hopefully with enough people this is something we can see in a future update.
  10. @albertcai101 Welcome to the forum, and awesome workflow! Some suggestions: You need to list jq as a dependency, as it’s not installed by default in macOS. Without it installed, it’s not immediately obvious why the workflow doesn’t work without reading through the code. The current error checking for the GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_TOKEN fields is unnecessary. Since these variables are set to "Required" in the Configuration Builder, the workflow won't run without them anyway. Checking the curl response instead to ensure the validity of the credentials could be handy though. Consider changing the Keyword argument type to "Argument Optional". This will make the workflow immediately list all repositories without having to type a memorized name first. Consider getting Alfred to filter results, setting the Match mode to either "Any order" or "Sequential". This would make searching much faster since you won't be rerunning the entire script and repeating the same API calls every time you type something new. Lastly, generating XML is fine, but consider going all JSON. You're already using jq, so you can just use that to output to Alfred directly instead of going through the extra steps of converting it all to XML. See my linkding Bookmarks workflow as an example. Looking forward to seeing the workflow evolve, it already has great utility!
  11. I made a post several months ago asking the same thing. The language indicates it's planned but not a priority. Perhaps that priority could shift with multiple people wanting extended syntax support, it would certainly make the Text View way more versatile.
  12. Using a Workflow would also have solved the problem. Connecting a Keyword Input into an Open URL Action can achieve the same result as a custom web search but with the added ability to choose which app it's opened with.
  13. @Freda The 3.12 update of Notion for Mac released earlier this month is the cause of the change you're seeing. From the What's New page under v3.12.0: Make sure the app is updated to the latest version though, as v3.12.1 released a day later fixing an issue with that new feature.
  14. Do the system actions work normally in Alfred directly? If not, this could be a permissions issue, in which case see this help page which includes resetting and re-granting macOS permissions for Alfred: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/
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