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Sampayo last won the day on January 8 2021

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  1. Hi. yes you need to have node installed (https://nodejs.org/en/ you can download the version 18.x) let me know how it goes.
  2. An Alfred Workflow that generates random ints, floats, strings, words, etc. This is inspired by Random Everything for VS Code. Github repo: https://github.com/sampayo/alfred-workflow-randomeverything Download RandomEverything.zip Demo Options: Type random [option] [arg]: address: A random address (e.g. 1750 Nugku Place) city: A random city (e.g. Ejgekad) country: A random country (e.g. Fidorini) color: A random hex color formatted (e.g. "#dd505d") date (MIN-MAX): (e.g. 2006-12-20T10:20:31.608Z) date (MIN-MAX): (e.g. 23/10/2027) email: A random E-mail address (e.g. hugzet@ricardosampayo.com) float (MIN-MAX): A range from a-b separated with `-`. Default: 0-1 (e.g. 0.609) int (MIN-MAX): A range from a-b separated with `-`. Default: 1-100 (e.g. 57) ip: a random ipv4 ip address (e.g. name: A random NAME (e.g. Isabelle Holland) firstName: A random first name (e.g. Seth) lastName: A random last name (e.g. Fiesoli) letters (length): Random letters (e.g. SsvnOZyMsjZxXmHOpax) lettersAndNumbers (length): Random letters and numbers (e.g. jvYjV2Kk7D) loremWorlds (number): Random lorem ipsum worlds with length (default 7) loremSentences (number): Random lorem ipsum sentences with length (default 3) loremParagraphs (number): Random lorem ipsum paragraphs with length (default 1) phone: A random phone street: A random street (e.g. Aniiv Way) url: A random url (e.g http://git.ve/poh) guid: A random guid (e.g 924719d1-8ba1-5cbc-8513-cc7d3c2031ee) image (width-height): A random image from [https://picsum.photos](https://picsum.photos) (e.g https://picsum.photos/seed/ebGjjAe/320/100) Configuration: Type config-random [option] [arg]: Image grayscale: Toggle to set if images are in a grey scale Image blur: A number that adjust the amount of blur on images Default Dates (MIN-MAX): the default range of dates, format `YYYY/MM/DD` or `today` Date American Format Toggle to set the date is in american format `MM/DD/YYYY`
  3. iOS Simulator Alfred Workflow A simple workflow for fast access to your iOS Simulators and apps. It saves you time during iOS development when you have to deal with Simulators' folder structure. Installation Download and open file or download from my GitHub account. Usage To trigger the workflow you have to type sims Features Simulators Show applications (⏎ enter). Launch in simulator (alt ⌥ + ⏎ enter). Show number of applications installed (⇧ shift). Reset contents and settings (⌘ cmd + ⏎ enter). Apps Show content in finder (⏎ enter). Launch app in simulator (alt ⌥ + ⏎ enter). Show app details (⇧ shift). Reset content of Documents, Library and tmp. (⌘ cmd + ⏎ enter).
  4. Hi Geronest. have you given accessibility permissions to Alfred in system preferences? have a look to 'Solution in case of failures' in http://ricardosampayo.com/en/Audio-Switch-Alfred-WorkFlows/
  5. Hi, Since the problem is solved Mavericks. You can download it once again I hope it works. : D
  6. Could you please take the script filter code and run it on AppleScript Editor and post the error you're getting?
  7. Done, download the latest version . Also Alleyoop support was added.
  8. Audio Switch ================================================================================== Switch between your input sources and output devices. To install just download (or my github) and doble click the .alfredworkflow file.* To change your input source type input (it could take a little bit to load your sources), then select the one you desire The same for the output device, just type output then select your choice Since I don't have any audio device or source connected to my laptop only 1 (the default) device and source are shown.
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