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    YuTang got a reaction from niels_bom in Multiple keywords support   
    Currently we can have only one keyword in a single input, yet from time to time I need to set some aliases to that keyword. For example, I set a keyword gb to search books in Google Books. but in case that I don't remember that keyword clearly, I also set another keyword gbook to do exactly the same thing. But now I need to add a new keyword input and it's kind of troublesome to keep their icons, url, title, etc. exactly the same.  So I wonder whether you have any plan to support set multiple keywords to increase fault tolerance, just like another app xSearch, you can set multiple keywords and separate them with a comma. I feel it would be great if you add multiple keywords to web search or keyword input in the workflow.

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    YuTang got a reaction from zeitlings in how to pass variables from javascript to subsequent actions   
    Thank you for your reply! Finally I solve it myself, now I use a simple AppleScript.
    tell application "OmniFocus" set theQuery to "atlviq9dkBl" tell default document set theTask to task id theQuery set taskName to name of theTask set taskNote to note of theTask set encodedTaskName to my urlEncode(taskName) set encodedTaskNote to my urlEncode(taskNote) end tell end tell set resultText to encodedTaskName on urlEncode(str) local str try return (do shell script "/bin/echo " & quoted form of str & ¬ " | perl -MURI::Escape -lne 'print uri_escape($_)'") on error eMsg number eNum error "Can't urlEncode: " & eMsg number eNum end try end urlEncode set bluebirdLink to "bluebird://add?title=" & encodedTaskName & "&notes=" & encodedTaskNote open location bluebirdLink  
    Actually, I tried an AppleScript like this at the very beginning, yet I name the variable bluebirdLink as url, which strangely cause an error: Can’t set URL to "bluebird://add?title=" & encodedTaskName & "&notes=" & encodedTaskNote. Access not allowed.
    after I changed it, it's now ok. Thank you again!~!
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    YuTang got a reaction from Toffy in Multiple keywords support   
    Currently we can have only one keyword in a single input, yet from time to time I need to set some aliases to that keyword. For example, I set a keyword gb to search books in Google Books. but in case that I don't remember that keyword clearly, I also set another keyword gbook to do exactly the same thing. But now I need to add a new keyword input and it's kind of troublesome to keep their icons, url, title, etc. exactly the same.  So I wonder whether you have any plan to support set multiple keywords to increase fault tolerance, just like another app xSearch, you can set multiple keywords and separate them with a comma. I feel it would be great if you add multiple keywords to web search or keyword input in the workflow.

  4. Like
    YuTang got a reaction from olliebaum in Multiple keywords support   
    Currently we can have only one keyword in a single input, yet from time to time I need to set some aliases to that keyword. For example, I set a keyword gb to search books in Google Books. but in case that I don't remember that keyword clearly, I also set another keyword gbook to do exactly the same thing. But now I need to add a new keyword input and it's kind of troublesome to keep their icons, url, title, etc. exactly the same.  So I wonder whether you have any plan to support set multiple keywords to increase fault tolerance, just like another app xSearch, you can set multiple keywords and separate them with a comma. I feel it would be great if you add multiple keywords to web search or keyword input in the workflow.

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    YuTang reacted to vitor in Python2 installation seemed incorrect   
    What are the outputs of ls -l /opt/homebrew/bin/python and ls -l /usr/local/bin/python?
    And have you installed the newest version of the OmniFocus Workflow? As stated, that one no longer uses Python. If that one is all you’re after, there’s no need to proceed with the Python 2 installation.
  6. Like
    YuTang reacted to Alan He in Python2 installation seemed incorrect   
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin/python
  7. Like
    YuTang reacted to vitor in Python2 installation seemed incorrect   
    @YuTang It seems installed correctly. It’s not supposed to be in /usr/bin/python. It isn’t clear why you have it in both /opt/homebrew/bin and /usr/loval/bin, though. Did you install Homebrew with Rosetta in the past?

    To confirm, are you on Apple Silicon? What’s the output of ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/python?
    In addition to reinstalling Python 2, you also need the updated versions of those Workflows (but always check the alternatives first). In the case of the Omnifocus Workflow, you’re on an old version anyway. The developer has converted that from Python 2 to Node.js.
    That won’t work because of SIP. And that’s a good thing, because you shouldn’t be putting stuff the system doesn’t expect in /usr/bin.
  8. Like
    YuTang got a reaction from Alan He in Multiple keywords support   
    Currently we can have only one keyword in a single input, yet from time to time I need to set some aliases to that keyword. For example, I set a keyword gb to search books in Google Books. but in case that I don't remember that keyword clearly, I also set another keyword gbook to do exactly the same thing. But now I need to add a new keyword input and it's kind of troublesome to keep their icons, url, title, etc. exactly the same.  So I wonder whether you have any plan to support set multiple keywords to increase fault tolerance, just like another app xSearch, you can set multiple keywords and separate them with a comma. I feel it would be great if you add multiple keywords to web search or keyword input in the workflow.

  9. Like
    YuTang reacted to vitor in How to use variables like file name, file path, file type for files   
    What an odd limitation. Are you sure that’s the only way?

    Again, variables, don’t apply here, you can just pass the file path along. The {query} example you gave should work. If it doesn’t, what exactly is happening?
  10. Like
    YuTang reacted to giovanni in How to use variables like file name, file path, file type for files   
    you can open a file in Obsidian by attaching to a regular file filter an 'Open URL' object configured like this below:

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    YuTang reacted to vitor in Search Omnifocus: free text search your Omnifocus data   
    @YuTang Open the debugger and perform the failing action. That should give information to help understand what is happening.
  12. Like
    YuTang reacted to vitor in How to use variables like file name, file path, file type for files   
    Welcome @YuTang,
    From your description you need neither variables nor programming, just a few objects.
    Connect a File Filter (configured as you want to detect your files) to a Conditional. In the latter, set it to if {query} matches regex Library/Application Support/obsidian. Change the path to something else if you have Obsidian stored anywhere outside the default location.

    Finally, connect each to an Open File Action. In the top one set Obsidian as the app to open the passed-in files, in the other leave the default.
  13. Like
    YuTang reacted to RandmTask in Web Search suggestions   
    A couple of suggestions:
    1. Be able to duplicate Web Searches. ie I like to have multiple Google based ones, where I would like to keep the icon, most of the URL, title, etc and just modify a couple of things. I do the same for work websites and especially any multiple websearches that will have the same icon.
    2. When I want to search eg. YouTube Music I would type ym query. It would be great that if we omitted the query ym would go straight to the main page music.youtube.com. This would be great for almost all of my web searches, without having to make duplicate ones with different keywords. ie ym query for a search and yms to go to YouTube music's main page
    3. For their to be a subtext option, similar to in Workflows
    Hope these are useful
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