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  1. I understand that is not possible 😐. This is sad as I recently moved from LastPass to 1P and I used to do that with a workflow.. I don't normally have passwords to use on websites and I also dont have extensions everywhere, I use multiple browsers..
  2. Hello, I've succesfully managed to log, my problem was the internet from the work was sort of preventing it, I did a hotspot with my phone and everything logged in. I have a question, is it possible to copy the password with a shorcut instead of opening the website and trying to paste the credentials? I would like to 1) Open Alfred 2) 1p PASS 3) Shortcut + Enter And have the password already copied.
  3. Hi @flakshack I hope you are doing well, Are you still using this workflow? I just got parallel Windows Desktop 17 and I really would like to use this workflow, I installed it and follow everything, but apps don't show up after typing p, only 1 app (see picture) I've tried to fix it, but nothing yet, I wonder if Alfred is not refreshing its search engine or something.. I'm also new with Alfred.
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