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  1. Because the files in my My Drive are in this weird ".shortcut-targets-by-id" location for some reason, the new update that ignores dotfiles means I get no search results again. For the time being I've updated the Google Drive location to have the full weird pathname of the main folder in My Drive. Is that the best workaround? /Volumes/GoogleDrive/.shortcut-targets-by-id/1Yp_5XVf2BSUFnMo3vSPwTjc_Sq5qZbEL/[Folder Name}
  2. Confirmed, by removing .shortcut-targets-by-id from the Ignore List and rebuilding cache, it's now working again. So strange!!
  3. Ah so this is weird... my Google Drive location is still /Volumes/GoogleDrive however the folder that I've been trying and failing to search is now a shortcut to file path /Volumes/GoogleDrive/.shortcut-targets-by-id/1Yp_5XVf2BSUFnMo3vSPwTjc_Sq5qZbEL/[Folder Name] The file path used to be /Volumes/GoogleDrive/[Folder Name] when search was working. So by adding .shortcut-targets-by-id to the Ignore List, it's been ignoring all the files I want to search! I'll take it out again and presumably that will fix it. But any thoughts on why this has happened in the first? New weirdness within Google Drive as part of a recent update?
  4. Have been using this awesome workflow for a while, but something has changed recently that is messing with the search results. If I type 1-2 letters (after gd) a handful of files show, but if I keep typing it says 'Nothing Found' even if the full search term matches one of the results that showed with 1-2 letters.... e.g. if I type 'gd ad' then it will show a few (but not all) files with 'admin' in the file name, but if I type 'gd admin' it will say Nothing Found. I've confirmed the GD file path and rebuilt the cache a few times. I was previously getting a lot of .Encrypted and .shortcut-targets-by-id results but now have those excluded using the Ignore List. *Edit* I've just realised that search results are limited to what's in /My Drive/ but it's not searching sub-directories! ### Workflow version 2022.18 ### Alfred version 5.0.2 ### macOS version 12.5.1 ### Architecture i386 ### Preferences Dict { ignore_list = .Encrypted .shortcut-targets-by-id result_limit = 100 } ### Full Disk Access Granted ### Google drive path Exists: /Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive 52 paths ### Cache dir cache.db ### Cache file 16777223 60202016 -rw-r--r-- 1 anthonycipa staff 0 16384 "Sep 6 10:20:25 2022" "Sep 6 09:30:24 2022" "Sep 6 09:30:24 2022" "Sep 6 09:30:24 2022" 4096 32 0 /Users/anthonycipa/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db ### Temporary cache Does NOT exist ### Build progress NOT running ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.googledrive Installed
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