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    jjaybe got a reaction from devalias in Quick Access to Environment Variables   
    first post here, so first of all: Great App, great developer team, great community! Out of all the productivity apps on the MacOS ecosystem Alfred remains my daily driver 🤗
    I make heavy use of Environment Variables primarily connected to script actions.
    So my first suggestion is right there: A keyboard shortcut to directly open the Environment Variable Window without using the mouse.
    One problem I often face is that by the time I edit e.g. my Run Script action I realize that I accidentally copied the name of the wrong environment variable or I copied the name instead of the value or vice versa. 
    Since Alfred does not allow to open two Preferences Windows in parallel (actually not sure why, if this is indeed possible, please tell me 😊 ) I then have to close the action, reopen the Environment Variables Window, close it again and reopen the action again, which is tedious.
    Thus, my feature request is some form of quick access to Environment Variables while editing workflow actions. For example, Keyboard Maestro has an action called Insert Variable which can be assigned to a keybinding and opens a palette (see screenshot below) with all user-defined variables that are filtered by typing and inserted with Enter.
    Ideally, such a palette in Alfred would allow to paste the variable name or the variable value (one perhaps while pressing a modifier key) and only variables defined within the current workflow are displayed.
    Let me know if such a feature is even realistic or if I better get used to copying the correct variable name in the first place 😋
    Thanks for your great work!

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    jjaybe reacted to vitor in Copy Workflow Configuration   
    If you use Workflow Configuration, you can right-click to copy an item and then Paste as New Item when adding to the other workflow. For Workflow Environment Variables You could technically copy and paste the relevant information from the info.plist.

    But if you’re using this for all your workflows, you could make a common file and source it every time, akin to Method 3 in Understanding the Scripting Environment. That document also explains why global variables encompassing all workflows could lead to issues, especially when sharing workflows, which would be quite hard to debug.
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    jjaybe reacted to vitor in Open workflow in Alfred given the path to workflow folder   
    That regex won’t work if you rename the folder. Use instead the Automation Task to get the basename.
    Also, prefer with input as argv
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    jjaybe reacted to vitor in Open workflow in Alfred given the path to workflow folder   
    Yes, see the AppleScript dictionary. You can use the basename of the folder with reveal workflow.

    tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to reveal workflow "user.workflow.0D987BB0-9A2B-4162-9A68-A9905DFEF52F"
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    jjaybe reacted to vitor in Universal Text Actions not triggered in Drafts   
    Alfred does a ⌘C to get the selection, since that’s pretty much the only viable way to get the selection in any app. The sound you’re hearing is from macOS, not Alfred. Something is interfering with the OS copy.
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    jjaybe reacted to Vero in Allow to duplicate or copy/paste items in List Filter   
    @jjaybe You can create a CSV file outside of Alfred, which will give you free reign to copy and paste as much as you need, and edit the list as a whole with title, subtitle and arg. 
    For example:
    A bunch of grapes,grape,code123
    A bowl of bananas,banana,code432
    A bushel of apples,apple,code043
    Once you're happy, drag your CSV into the List Filter box and you'll see it auto-populate
    Let me know how you get on!
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    jjaybe got a reaction from luckman212 in Quick Access to Environment Variables   
    first post here, so first of all: Great App, great developer team, great community! Out of all the productivity apps on the MacOS ecosystem Alfred remains my daily driver 🤗
    I make heavy use of Environment Variables primarily connected to script actions.
    So my first suggestion is right there: A keyboard shortcut to directly open the Environment Variable Window without using the mouse.
    One problem I often face is that by the time I edit e.g. my Run Script action I realize that I accidentally copied the name of the wrong environment variable or I copied the name instead of the value or vice versa. 
    Since Alfred does not allow to open two Preferences Windows in parallel (actually not sure why, if this is indeed possible, please tell me 😊 ) I then have to close the action, reopen the Environment Variables Window, close it again and reopen the action again, which is tedious.
    Thus, my feature request is some form of quick access to Environment Variables while editing workflow actions. For example, Keyboard Maestro has an action called Insert Variable which can be assigned to a keybinding and opens a palette (see screenshot below) with all user-defined variables that are filtered by typing and inserted with Enter.
    Ideally, such a palette in Alfred would allow to paste the variable name or the variable value (one perhaps while pressing a modifier key) and only variables defined within the current workflow are displayed.
    Let me know if such a feature is even realistic or if I better get used to copying the correct variable name in the first place 😋
    Thanks for your great work!

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