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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. I click the "install the 1password CLI" and after that i get to https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/get-started/#install. There I select Mac and having given up on the arcane instructions on something callled "brew" I click the manual option and then select the MacsOS option and Download 1Password CLI for your platform and architecture. That downloads a package called op_apple_universal_v2.7.3. When I double-click that it seems to install whatever it is supposed to install. But the 1p. function still doesn't work in Alfred5 The instructions I am muddling through are at https://capture.dropbox.com/VskC7csUgW9idZSf Here'e a screenshot of the operative part: So then I clicked the blue link "verify the authenticity" and found that the installed CLI interface was apparently no valid. (not lock item was visible.) Items 2 and 3 from the screenshot baffle me. Where do I find /usr/local/bin. Item 3 makes no sense to me at all. For what it's worth the the diagnositic as of now: ### Workflow version 2022.19 ### Alfred version 5.0.5 ### macOS version 11.7.1 ### Architecture i386 ### Preferences Default ### 1Password version 8.9.8 ### op version 2.7.3 ### Launchd job NOT loaded NOT installed
  2. I can't get 1p to work in alfred: ### Workflow version 2022.19 ### Alfred version 5.0.5 ### macOS version 11.7.1 ### Architecture i386 ### Preferences Default ### 1Password version 8.9.8 ### op version NOT installed ### Launchd job NOT loaded NOT installed
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