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  1. Maybe, but the weird thing is that with the old version of Google Drive, it worked perfectly ... and I prefer a lot your workflow to the native search ^^ Anyway, many thanks for your work and your time, it's precious!
  2. Hi @vitor debugger output of :gdrebuildcache: [10:35:31.289] Logging Started... [10:35:36.786] Google Drive[Keyword] Processing complete [10:35:36.789] Google Drive[Keyword] Passing output '' to Run Script [10:35:36.869] Google Drive[Run Script] Processing complete [10:35:36.874] Google Drive[Run Script] Passing output '' to Run Script And the find command never responds (until I ^C it), which is the reason why I removed it from the !gddiagnostics script ^^ IMHO, the problem is not on your side, but on Google one : their new way to store files may be buggy? To be noticed : I have a huge drive (more than 200TB of files, with a lot of small files shared to me ... could it be that I reached an hidden limitation? Seems that @FlowVideo has got the exact same problem, as the symptoms are very similar. I wish I could go back to an older version of GDrive 🙄 Thanks a lot for your time!
  3. Thank you so much for your quick answer ! Here is the diagnostic informations, with the "find" removed ^^ Yes, Alfred have a full disk access ... ### Workflow version 2023.3 ### Alfred version 5.0.6 ### macOS version 13.1 ### Architecture arm64 ### Preferences Dict { auto_refresh = false google_drive_path = /Users/xxxx/Library/CloudStorage/*****@*****.tld search_keyword = '' result_limit = 50 ignore_list = .Encrypted/ } ### Full Disk Access Granted ### Google drive path Exists: /Users/xxxx/Library/CloudStorage/*****@*****.tld paths ### Cache dir Files NOT present ### Cache file Does NOT exist ### Temporary cache Does NOT exist ### Build progress NOT running ### Launchd job NOT loaded NOT installed
  4. Hi everyone, for me, everything is broken since Drive update :gdrebuildcache fails, even with the correct Drive Path given (~/Library/CloudStorage/*****@*****.tld). it block on the gdrive_path.find.lazy.each which never returns : process last forever, I have to kill it manually ... same occurs for !gddiagnostic : it blocks on find "${google_drive_path}" | wc -l | tr -d ' \n' (If I comment this, I got a return). the Alfred File Search (so out of the workflow) is ok EXCEPT for the files in .shortcut-targets-by-id (those who are shared to me, but not on a Shared Drive). Unfortunality I've got a lot of them ... So I'm stuck with no solution for the moment. I wish Google would inform us of the changes and let us choose the version 😕 I hope that this so-fast-and-clever workflow will function again someday
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