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    bytesmiths got a reaction from vitor in Snippets keywords strangeness with Monterey (12.6.3) installed via OpenCore Legacy Patcher   
    <palmforehead>I should have thought of that!</palmforehead>
    Thank you thank you thank you! That did it.
    One thing a little weird… Alfred had the right boxes ticked, so I tried cycling them, and the Alfred box in Accessibility would not un-tick. So rather than go into Terminal as your second link suggests, I used the "minus" box to remove Alfred entirely from the Accessibility list, then used the "plus" box to re-add it, then it would toggle ticks as it should. Then all was good!
    Sorry to have bothered you. I did go through the FAQs and such, searching for "Snippet", but didn't find that suggestion to examine System Preference needs.
    Take it as a testament to your normally smooth upgrades that I've become spoiled!
  2. Thanks
    bytesmiths reacted to Vero in Snippets keywords strangeness with Monterey (12.6.3) installed via OpenCore Legacy Patcher   
    @bytesmiths Normally, when a user isn't able to expand snippets or paste from clipboard but the features appear enabled in Alfred's preferences, it's because of broken Accessibility permissions.
    You'll need to grant permissions here:
    If they already appear to have been previously granted, follow the steps to clear and re-grant them, as these most likely became corrupted during your upgrade:
    This comes with the caveat that you're updating / maintaining your Mac in non-standard ways, so it's possible that your issues with permissions are coming from this. 
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