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    Manny reacted to Vero in Remote Passphrase Problem [Resolved]   
    @Manny Have you followed the steps in Andrew's answer to the thread you linked? 
    Check that your Firewall allows incoming connections from Alfred Remote, and that your network allows devices to see each other.
    Some networks (e.g. corporate networks, coffee shops) have restrictions in place to stop devices being able to see each other on the network for the safety of individual users.
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    Manny got a reaction from AleksF in Possibility to Set Number of Results   
    It would be nice to set the number of showed Alfred results to an own chosen number in settings.
    A solution can be in settings: `Number of Displayed Results: <number>`.
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    Manny reacted to Stephen_C in Alfred/Screen Add Ability to set Margin Top   
    Do you mean:
    the distance between the Alfred search window and the top of the screen; or a thicker top boundary of the Alfred search window itself? If you mean the former, go to Alfred Preferences → Appearance, click on Options at the bottom of the second column, check Save position when dragging Alfred main window and drag the Alfred seatch window where you want it.
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    Manny got a reaction from Alan He in Possibility to Set Number of Results   
    It would be nice to set the number of showed Alfred results to an own chosen number in settings.
    A solution can be in settings: `Number of Displayed Results: <number>`.
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