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  1. Thank you for comments! For clarification: - I'm using default "File Search" feature. "f" is my keyword to trigger "Revealing Files" feature. - I'm using no workflows. @Vero Thank you for your suggestion! I tried the File Filter workflow with the setting you suggested, but the search result was the same as I get with the default "File Search" feature.
  2. I'm aware of the post, but I think Script Filter feature is a different thing than file search.
  3. I have a folder named "レッスン01", which means "lesson 01" in Japanese. When I search for files with query "レ", I get the correct result. But "レッ" returns no result. If the query is "レッスン", it works again. All "レ", "レッ", and "レッスン" queries work well in mac's native Spotlight. Terminal command `mdfind` also works well with all of these queries. I observed similar issues with queries including Japanese characters; they work in Spotlight and mdfind but not in Alfred's search. Please fix this issue! I guess you don't even have to handle languages like Japanese directly because adding an option to use `mdfind` result instead of Alfred's algorithm would be perfect! Edit 2023-09-12(JST): I'm using File Search, and "f" is my keyword for "Revealing Files" feature. I'm using no workflows.
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