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  1. It was working fine before though(Additional information: It was working without that workflow. I only installed this workflow to test it) I can guarantee that as I have always used "update" as the keyword in alfred to access the update settings since I started using alfred(about a year ago I'd say). Also, it doesn't work either with "software update" as you can see on the screenshot Anyway, it's no biggie and I have now created a custom workflow to fix this.
  2. Hi, when I try this workflow https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/system-settings/ they all work, except "software updates" or "updates" which returns nothing and is the problem I am reporting here. It was working fine around a month ago or so. "updates" and "software updates" keyword both work fine in Spotlight.
  3. Hi, Alfred 5.1.2, latest build available through the update channel, along MacOs 13.5.2
  4. I am having the same problem, and it seems to have appeared around the same time as the OP. If I typed "update" or "software" in Alfred, previously it would suggest to me to open the System settings - Software Update. Now, it shows nothing. Typing the same in spotlight works as expected. I tried rebuilding the cache and doing an alfred Reset after cache, but it changed nothing.
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