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Jeff P

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  1. Sorry, @Stephen_C, I didn't see the second question... Yes, I used the migration assistant. It's really odd because when CMD-Space is used for spotlight, it works for spotlight meaning nothing else 'should" be using that shortcut. Then, I assign a different shortcut to spotlight and that works fine meaning CMD-Space should be free for a new assignment. Yet, when I switch to Alfred prefs and try to enter CMD-Space it won't take it. CMD-CMD is not too bad as an alternate. It's just so 'odd'. Thanks again, Jeff
  2. Yes, @Stephen_C, quicksearch is enabled and working as expected.
  3. Same issue here...brand new mac, new alfred 5.5 install. Alfred has extensive help about disabling CMD-Space from spotlight (the macos default). I've been using Alfred for years. With this install, after following all help, disabling CMD-SPace from spotlight, assinging different shortcut to spotlight, rebooting, re-indexing, etc. Still can't get Alfred to accept CMD-Space. I now use "CMD-CMD". (double CMD) as the shortcut. Would still prefer a solution.
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