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Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Hi, friends. Thank you for your great work. I want to have several commands \ profiles to communicate with ChatGPT, for example: 1. Summarize text 2. Insert into the start of each line emoji 3. etc Most easier may look like: 1. duplicate workflow throw button "Duplicate" 2. set API keys and other parameters 3. use it Unfornetly, I have followed the error. I have experience in Python but am a full noob in Alfred. Can you please help me [00:04:43.993] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Keyword] Processing complete [00:04:44.010] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Keyword] Passing output '' to Arg and Vars [00:04:44.012] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Arg and Vars] Processing complete [00:04:44.014] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Run Script [00:04:44.015] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Run Script] Processing complete [00:04:44.016] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Run Script] Passing output '' to Automation Task [00:04:44.017] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Automation Task] Running task 'Does Path Exist?' with arguments ( "{const:alfred_workflow_data}/chat.json" ) [00:04:44.023] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Automation Task] Processing complete [00:04:44.024] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Automation Task] Passing output 'false' to Conditional [00:04:44.025] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Conditional] Processing complete [00:04:44.026] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Conditional] Passing output 'false' to Write Text File [00:04:44.026] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Write Text File] Processing complete [00:04:44.027] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Write Text File] Passing output '/Users/redacted/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/{const:alfred_workflow_data}/chat.json' to Arg and Vars [00:04:44.028] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Arg and Vars] Processing complete [00:04:44.029] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Arg and Vars] Passing output '{const:alfred_workflow_data} {const:alfred_workflow_cache}' to Split Arg [00:04:44.030] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Split Arg] Processing complete [00:04:44.030] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Split Arg] Passing output '( "{const:alfred_workflow_data}", "{const:alfred_workflow_cache}" )' to Automation Task [00:04:44.031] ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Automation Task] Running task 'New Folder' with arguments ( "{const:alfred_workflow_data}", "{const:alfred_workflow_cache}" ) [00:04:44.057] ERROR: ChatGPT / DALL-E - COPY[Automation Task] Task Error (1): /Users/redacted/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/Automation Tasks/60cfcfc99f6a2b93568c621cac71599f9979bdc22241aeea13c51d1ae926e2ff: execution error: Error: Invalid path: {const:alfred_workflow_data} (-2700) I checked for answers on ChatpGPT and Google. I probably do not understand the logic of the previous step in the workflow. Debug info: The Workflow: ChatGPT / DALL-E Alfred: Alfred 5.5 [2257] macOS: 14.4.1 (23E224)
  2. Unfornutly same. Mac OS 14.4.1 (23E224). The plugin just does a screenshot of desktop wallpapers instead of a window. It looks like all windows are fully transparent for him.
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