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  1. I just saw your other comment regarding updating and noticed there was an update to 2.0.11. It seems to work now. I just wonder how come I had an older version, because I installed it just a few weeks ago. I am guessing that the top google hit and the official Raindrop site: https://raindrop.io/integrations/alfred actually linked to an older version until just now. I will test a bit more but so far it looks good, thanks for the reply!
  2. As another user I can confirm that "r" + space works fine, as you describe it. So that sounds like a user error. What still does not work in this workflow though, is the "ra" (add bookmark) as described here.
  3. I made a workflow for Pearcleaner, a free and open source program to uninstall software on the Mac. Link to workflow ➡️ https://github.com/andylundqvist/alfred-pearcleaner AppCleaner ➡️ https://itsalin.com/appInfo/?id=pearcleaner Feel free to add it to the gallery. For those who use AppCleaner instead, there is this workflow.
  4. Thank you! Your comment should be the main app description
  5. Thanks, excellent workflow!
  6. Can some explain this workflow? I thought this was built in to Alfred: I can search a file, then press right arrow and select Reveal in Finder.
  7. For me, AppCleaner is focused when I run it, is that not the case for you? Which app is instead focused when you run it?
  8. Actually, I made an alternative. See here if you are still interested (may also interest @osea, if you are still looking):
  9. I made a workflow for AppCleaner. Link to workflow ➡️ https://github.com/andylundqvist/alfred-appcleaner AppCleaner ➡️ https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/ Feel free to add it to the gallery.
  10. Thank you, I have. It was my first stop. But many scripts there are outdated and it doesn't really offer that much. I've had better luck on Github, but it's so disorganised there. Alfred really needs the workflow library overworked.
  11. This Emoji workflow is probably the best workflow I have seen for Alfred so far. Excellent. Thanks for the tip. It's so sad that it is so hard to find new and good workflows. People say it's best to look on Github nowadays, but I find it hard to find through its search function.
  12. Sorry to bump an older thread but yeah, that Searchio workflow (and its fork) sadly seem to be broken nowadays, both of them. Cool idea. Maybe someone knows of an alternative?
  13. Hello @andreas.w, thank you for a great tool. However I have the same problem as @mrwynn. Keyword "r" to search works great in Alfred. But keyword "ra" first of all just appears shortly and then disappears from Alfred. If I press space after "ra" it displays my contacts. I assigned a hotkey as you suggested, and then the option stays on screen in Alfreds list but when i pick it under its workflow name it shows "Loading..." and then nothing gets added to Raindrop. After a second or two it disappears. I assigned keyword "raa" to test further and then it behaves exactly like with the hotkey. Either way it is not possible to add anything to Raindrop with this workflow. I am using Alfred 5.5 and Search Raindrop.io 2.0.11. I have Raindrop 5.6.32 installed on macOS Sonoma 14.5. It is a clean install so nothing should be configured wrongly. Do you have an idea on how to fix this? Thanks.
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