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    Paliz reacted to bice in Calendar++   
    Great workflow! What Alfred theme are you using in the provided screenshots? 
  2. Thanks
    Paliz got a reaction from neius_ in AppCleaner   
    I made a workflow for AppCleaner.
    Link to workflow ➡️ https://github.com/andylundqvist/alfred-appcleaner
    AppCleaner ➡️ https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/
    Feel free to add it to the gallery. 
  3. Like
    Paliz reacted to andreas.w in Search and add bookmarks to Raindrop.io   
    You seem to be right about something being off with that link. The service Packal, which it links to for my workflow, should normally be a good place to download from and I have double checked that the newest version is actually uploaded there, but appearently there must be a bug in their service, because the download link actually points to a much older version, even though the newest one is uploaded.
    I will probably simply remove it from Packal to avoid this problem, and will ask Raindrop.io to change there link to Github instead.
    Thanks for telling me!
  4. Like
    Paliz reacted to andreas.w in Search and add bookmarks to Raindrop.io   
    @MichaelS @Paliz
    Great to hear that at least the biggest problems seem to be solved for both of you now!
    As for the problem with mixed results from the Raindrop workflow and other Alfred results, I thing that might be some setting in Alfred, but I I'm not sure exactly what it might be so I'm looking into it to see what I can find.
    My guess is that this is not a problem with the workflow itself though, but rather something that applies to all of Alfred.
    Could you check if other workflows behaves like this too? @MichaelS
  5. Like
    Paliz reacted to andreas.w in Search and add bookmarks to Raindrop.io   
    Adding bookmarks works perfectly for me too, just like searching, so something is different for you and to fix this problem we would need to figure out what that is. If I can make the same thing happen for me I will probably be able to fix it relatively easily.
    Can you check what the log says for you when you try to add a bookmark? (go to the Raindrop workflow in Alfred's preferences and click the debug mode button, the one with a bug on it in the top right corner, and then try to add a bookmark)
  6. Like
    Paliz reacted to paulw in Go To Here   
    See the new topic for the updated version (with description)
  7. Like
    Paliz reacted to zeitlings in Color Picker   
    You're welcome 🤗
    For future reference, installing Xcode from the App Store is what fixed this issue for @Textdriven.
  8. Like
    Paliz reacted to paulw in AppCleaner   
    Thanks for this. Can I suggest adding a final step to switch active app to AppCleaner?
  9. Like
    Paliz reacted to paulw in AppCleaner   
    You're right. I'm not sure what happened, but all is well. The workflow focuses AppCleaner. Thanks!
  10. Like
    Paliz got a reaction from zeitlings in Color Picker   
    Thanks, excellent workflow!
  11. Like
    Paliz reacted to beetlefrosch in Open Application in AppZapper (or AppCleaner)   
    Unfortunately, after many years, this no longer works. Is there an alternative?
  12. Like
    Paliz reacted to spongeblink in Your most used workflows   
    Seems like I'm a bit late to the party but here they are, my daily used Alfred Workflows:
    1. For opening panes in System Settings, I use @vitor's System Settings and @Stephen_C's Open macOS Settings Panes, both great workflows.
    2. Shortcuts by @vitor. I don't like to talk to Siri to turn the lamp on or change the mode of my air purifier since Siri is… dumb, so I created individual Shortcuts for them. No more opening the Home app and clicking on controls. 
    3. A workflow I wrote for myself to reveal the most recently added file in my 'Desktop' or 'Downloads' folder in Finder with a hotkey. Really handy. 
    4. AirPods Connector by @Acidham to connect to my AirPods. I don't like them being automatically switched between my devices so I turned that setting off. 

    5. Fastest Emoji Search by Mr. Pennyworth. Search for emojis in this new view is awesome: 

    6. Search for open Safari tabs with a hotkey. Quit confirmation for Safari. Another one I made for myself. Although the script for the latter I believe is from John Gruber.

    7. A workflow that saves all Safari tabs into a .md file. And the workflow that search in all those files (by link or URL). 

    8. A workflow that mutes and unmutes the mic for Discord with a hotkey. Normally in order to do that you have to give the Discord app input monitoring permissions in System Settings. It even requires input monitoring permission (but does not ask you for it!) to even record your custom hotkey. And worse, the default hotkeys become global ones once the permission is granted and can not be disabled. I don't feel comfortable giving the app that permission so I created this:

    9. Create new file in the top-most Finder window. You type the name of the new file, Alfred creates that file in the Finder window you're looking at. If Finder is not activated, create file on my desktop. Finally, reveal the file in Finder / open the file your default text editing app. 
    10. Search for files on a removable drive. Another one I wrote for myself. First, I generate text files that contain paths of every file on a removable drive using something like `find /Volumes/DRIVENAME -type f > ~/Desktop/DRIVENAME_$(date +%Y_%m_%d).txt`. And the workflow will search for the file by it's path or name. 
    I wouldn't really search for an image like this but you get the idea.

    11. Set wallpaper from File Action, for both the primary screen and the secondary screen.

    Alfred's Automation Tasks does not support setting wallpaper on a secondary screen so I'm using this:
    tell application "System Events" to set picture of second desktop to "{query}"  
    12. Lunar-fred. Yet another workflow for myself to control my displays using the CLI command-line from Lunar. 
    It lists all my connected displays first. 

    Perform actions on one of them

    There are more workflows about A.I. but I think I'll leave them for another day 😅

  13. Like
    Paliz reacted to vitor in Multiple keywords for a single script filter   
    Starting from Alfred 5.1 (currently in pre-release), multiple keywords are supported.
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