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  1. Hi Vero. It didn't work in any app. Unchecking, rebooting, and rechecking didn't help. But, you gave me an idea that did work, so I'll write it here for future reference. I quit Alfred, then opened the terminal and typed tccutil reset All com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred; This forces a reset of all permissions. Then I reloaded Alfred and granted permissions anew. And it worked! So for anyone else that runs into this problem, try the more drastic permissions reset in terminal. Edit: hah, I thought I was being clever by figuring this out myself, but I see this step is listed at the bottom of the page you linked. So, it worked! 😃 Thank you.
  2. I encountered aan odd bug. In previous versions of Alfred, when I selected something from the clipboard history viewer, it auto-pasted it. I upgraded to 5.5 a week or so ago, and it hasn't been auto-pasting what I select since I upgraded. It does move whatever I select to the top of the clipboard history, so I can then paste it in myself with a simple ⌘v, but that is an extra step. I preferred the auto-paste. Yes, "Auto-paste" on return is checked. I thought maybe something might have gotten corrupted when I upgraded, so I unchecked that, restarted the app, then checked it. But no, still isn't working. Is this a common bug? What else should I try for fixing it?
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