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  1. I think your guess makes a lot of sense. Personally, I suspect it might be related to a software called ALiLang. @jenson @yuankun @xiaoxin However, what I want to understand is that Alfred reading Chrome bookmarks should be done locally and shouldn't involve a VPN, right?
  2. All of the aforementioned features(except Google Chrome Bookmark) are working normally on my Mac. I do not need to re-grant these permissions periodically.
  3. I am certain that I have given Alfred full disk access, but Alfred still cannot access my Chrome bookmarks. Specifically, it works normally when I first start up my computer, but after a while, Alfred can no longer access my Chrome bookmarks. I have to first remove Alfred's full disk access permission, close Alfred, then re-grant Alfred full disk access permission, close it again, and reopen it. Only then might Alfred be able to access my Chrome bookmarks properly (as this method does not always solve the problem). This issue has been bothering me for a long time, and I hope it can be resolved. BTW my Alfred version is 5.5(2257) and my OS version is 13.4.1
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