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  1. Hey @giovanni, thank you! Unfortunately, your suggestion did not work. But I manage to solve the problem. I will post here my solution, maybe this can help other people with the same problem. First of all, the problem was caused by PATH, so, to fix this, I changed the PATH variable on the top of the workflow. (Well, I still do not know why the workflow worked before, anyway, this fixed the problem). Step 1 You need to find the PATH of your system. Go to the terminal and type echo $PATH According to the image: Copy this entire line and save for further use. Step 2 On the workflow menu, you choose the option “(x)” as in the image (red square) Step 3 On the window that will open, select “Environment Variables” as in the image (red square) Step 4 Click on the button “+” on the bottom left of the window as in the image (red square) Step 5 At the column “Name” put “PATH” (red square in image) at the column “Value” paste the line that you copied in the Step 1 (blue square in image). Click in “Save” at the bottom left and it is finished! This procedure solved the issue for me.
  2. Last week I was using my workflows in Alfred, but today I got a very undesirable surprise. All my python scripts stopped to work. Basically, all my python scripts are receiving ModuleNotFound problems, besides all they worked fine last week. I use the standard ‘bin/zsh’ python3 + full/path/python/file. During this week I updated to Sonoma 14.5, so maybe here is the problem? I also do not understand how to put the “Path”, is there a way to to this globally? Because re-install all my python modules into a new “Path” is impractical.
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