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  1. Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you! I would love to learn how to do this myself. Do you have any suggestions on resources to learn how to create custom workflows that use python scripts?
  2. https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/b5b704bef8fb4b8ab8b0042da395153b Here is an icloud link for the short cut. Really appreciate your help!
  3. Yes exactly! I was hoping to get suggestions of players in Alfred as I type then be able to select one and go to the main stats page on fangraphs. Is that possible?
  4. Thank you! Yes the website has undergone quite a bit of change over the years! I think I do! They no longer use the simple ulr+{query}. As happens, someone I know actually just created a Shortcut that does exactly what I am looking to replicate in Alfred, so hopefully that can help. I will try my best but I don't fully understand what is happening, just enough to get me frustrated! Using the Shortcut script, it looks like for search they're using a .json POST and it returns the information for the players matching the query. Is this helpful? I have been messing around trying to figure out how to create this request but honestly my 10 year old comp sci class in college only got me so far!
  5. Might be a long shot seeing as this thread is dead, but I was hoping someone could help me get this workflow to function. I think its no longer working because of the switch from Python 2 to Python 3 in MacOS. I am new to Mac and Alfred and I was over zealous thinking I could do this workflow myself.
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