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Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. A legend, you are. Thanks 🙏
  2. Hey Vero, Yep, this folder is selected and is available offline — screenshot below and here's a quick loom if helpful: https://www.loom.com/share/4275732955904b61b32b7017175acce0
  3. Hey there, I changed the name of my Main Alfred Folder in Dropbox from Alfred.alfredpreferences to z - Alfred which syncs all my preferences, snippets, etc. to Alfred. (Image 1) Now all my snippets, etc. have disappeared... (Image 2) I tried re-setting my preferences folder to the preference folder in Image 1, but none of my snippets, etc. are populating in Alfred. Any recs on how to get things back to how they were? Will I need to reload all snippets I have saved in my Snippets folder and if so, how do I do that? Thanks for any / all help! Image 1 Image 2
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