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  1. Ah - I worked out the problem - needing to put a space in first. thanks all
  2. Thanks Vero. I have sorted out my issue with the custom web searches - all the accessibility settings have been fixed so it now works. However, I am still having trouble with being able to search the folders I want for documents (primarily sharepoint document folders). Any tips?
  3. Thanks @FireFingers21 - sadly my last mac was the victim of water spillage, so all was lost! I have learnt from my mistakes and set up the new alfred to save preferences in a onedrive folder. Having said that I just realised my past self may have done the same, but now don't know how to check what the old syncing folder might have been. Any suggestions??
  4. Ah yes, thanks. Now I can see that i need to request these permissions. Will need my work IT team to do it for me. Thanks. Hopefully this will fix the problem
  5. I changed mac and am trying to set up all my alfred preferences again. When I try and add a new custom search, it works when I test it in the set up window, but then does not activate when I type the short cut into the search bar. see screen shots below. I am wondering if it is a permissions thing on the mac but I don't know how to check. Any help appreciated!
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