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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Thanks for your help! I tried re-downloading it on my Macbook Air but after which the workflow in my Mac Mini just stopped working. I have set the Alfred Dropbox sync settings to be 'always available offline' also. Not sure what is causing the issue.
  2. Hey sorry I've tried to sync the Dropbox issues offline but to no avail. Still get this error. Thank you.
  3. Thank you for the reply. I'm currently using Dropbox to sync the settings. Might that be a known issue?
  4. Sorry hope this is the right place to post this. My menu bar search is not working between devices I have Alfred on both my Mac laptop and desktop However every time I load the extension on the other device it seems to just break and not work again. Could it be do something with the Alfred sync settings? Error occurs when I trigger the hotkey or "m" and I wouldn't have any input. Hope this is enough info. Thank you.
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