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  1. Also, feel free to do this without me. The API resources linked to above should be of help.
  2. Hello I am unfortunately not a skilled developer, but I would be willing to help with design and other things to create an Alfred 5 Workflow (perhaps similar to the NS train schedule workflow) that lets users look up public transportation possibilities from point A to point B with autocomplete and realtime data. The good thing is that the Swiss federal public transportation company SBB has extensive documentation and support including an API and for developers to create exactly what I'm proposing: https://developer.sbb.ch/home There's also another API also with realtime data from Opendata.ch with documentation and examples: https://transport.opendata.ch Is there a developer from Switzerland who would be interested in creating such an Alfred 5 Workflow?
  3. I would love to test this and provide feedback. Although I am an intermediate Mac user, I don't understand how to set this up. Would someone be as kind to provide a step by step guide on how and where to install this separate GPT workflow and set it up with GPT4All or LM Studio and their APIs (on Mac)?
  4. @sballin It would be neat if the workflow would feature configuration settings in the Alfred workflow GUI instead of environment variables that one has to set in a file.
  5. But if someone from the Alfred team would sign it, with the umbrella Alfred company Apple ID (which is not assigned to someone specific, but instead the whole company), I think that would be allowed under the rules. That way they could review the source of this useful workflow, sign it, and then feature it on the Alfred Gallery... win-win for everybody I'd say! 🙂 If @vitor doesn't want to, then perhaps @Andrew or someone else from the Alfred team could do it, that'd be awfully kind and just awesome... 🫡 As a Legendary+ Power Pack supporter, I would wholeheartedly approve!
  6. Thank you for your efforts @sballin! It really is a useful workflow. Couldn't you use an Apple developer account for other things as well, maybe developing an iOS or Mac app? Or perhaps you can sign it with a friend's Apple developer ID.
  7. I'd prefer using @sballin's workflow because it's much more developed (version 3.6.2) compared to the one from @rzagreb (version 0.0.2), but yeah, not without signing. Perhaps they could work together and merge their projects, then they'd have an advanced workflow with a nice GUI configuration and signing. Just an idea. That would surely be ready for the Alfred Gallery.
  8. Yes, it would absolutely ease my concerns if you would make it open source on GitHub and let the Alfred workflow team (maybe the awesome @vitor?) fork and review it - they could even compile it after their review and sign it with their Apple developer ID, which would solve all issues. This is their GitHub: https://github.com/alfredapp It's a really useful and well made workflow, it would definitely deserve its place on the Alfred Gallery (after review)! That would make it much more trustworthy, accessible, easier to update, and expose it to a wider user base. Thank you! 🙂
  9. Thank you @sballin for developing this useful Alfred workflow. I am a bit hesitant to keep using it though, I would feel safer if you would sign it with an Apple developer ID, let Apple test it for malicious content, and also let the Alfred team take a good look at the source and give their blessings, which would come with the advantage of being presented on the Alfred Workflow gallery. There is a reason why Apple implemented these safeguards, they're not just there to be clicked away, especially if it involves really sensitive data like personal notes. Thank you.
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