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How to turn off syncing?

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I turned on syncing by choosing a remote network folder so I can move my Alfred settings from one Mac to another.  Trouble is, I can figure out how to turn this feature off.  It looks like I can only choose another folder.  Anyone else know how I can turn this off?


I found this on twitter from 2013:  






Edited by joshuawhite929
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Hey Josh,


There are a few different ways this can be done, but the easiest is to:


1. Quit Alfred

2. Copy the up to date Alfred.alfredpreferences into ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/

3. Open Terminal and paste: defaults delete com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences-3 syncfolder

4. Start Alfred


Check that syncing isn't setup in Alfred's Advanced preferences, and you're good to go :)


For anybody else who sees this: If you'd just like to migrate settings to a different Mac, just copy across the Alfred.alfredpreferences before installing on the new Mac, then you don't need to change the sync folder.




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