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I lost all my workflows after changing sync folder - HELP!

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@Marcin Bogdanowicz ok, great... here goes:


1. Quit Alfred 2

2. Copy the good version of Alfred.alfredpreferences into ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/ replacing the file of the same name (might be worth backing that one up too, just in case)

3. Open Terminal.app and paste: defaults delete com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences syncfolder

4. If no error is shown from this, start Alfred 2


Hope this helps!

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There's still a problem though - how to backup those Alfred's settings and workflows without the Time Machine? And I'd rather not use the sync-folder method which has already failed me. If I was to use syncing a folder with some cloud, should I add to syncing only alfred.preferences or something else? (it seems that some workflows are missing after restoring nothing but one file)

Edited by Marcin Bogdanowicz
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