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Migration between alfred 2 & alfred 3 and new computer


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I moved from old computer with alfred 2 to new computer with alfred 3, and shared a sync file in google drive between the computers and and  alfred 2 &  alfred 3.

I see the clipboard & history shared, but all my many snippets did not pass to new alfred 3.

I saw in alfred the snippets are in different structure and standalone, but I expect alfred 3 will be backward compatible with alfred 2 to get all the snippetsm at least for migration phase.

Any idea how can I get all my old computer  alfred 2 snippets to my new computer alfred 3 snippets?

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Hi @eyals Welcome to the forum!  Yes, snippets should be migrated from Alfred 2 to Alfred 3 with no issues. Did you use the Alfred Migration Assistant, which should've popped up when installing Alfred 3 on the Mac where you had Alfred 2 installed? 


If you use Time Machine or any form of backup, look for your original Alfred.alfredpreferences.

  • If you were syncing, you'll find this in your sync folder location
  • If you were not syncing, you'll find it in ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/

You can then follow the steps to re-run the migration here:



Also, please note that we don't recommend using Google Drive, as it's not sufficiently fast or reliable at syncing, and doesn't deal with file conflicts smoothly. Dropbox is the most reliable solution for syncing preferences at this time.


More information on syncing prefs:





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The point is that I got new mac, which I installed from scratch, without restore from old mac.

So in the old machine had only alfred 2.In new machine has alfred 3, so no migration assistant was relevant here.

So in order to sycn with them, I moved sync file for GDrive for both of them to sync..

So history was synced, but not the snippets

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@eyals the approach you've taken will have bypassed the migration assistant which is why you will be missing some preferences in Alfred 3.


Your best bet would be to zip up your Alfred 2 preferences and pop them in an email to our info@ address and I'll migrate them to Alfred 3 for you :)




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