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Snippets without linebreaks in Readdle's Email Client "Spark"

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Hi Forum, 

when i use snippets with weblinks included in my email client Spark, there will be NO linebreaks in the pasted text.

When i delete the links in the snippet, everything works fine.


I tryed other email clients, and there i dont have that problem.


Any Idea? Seems to be a Problem with Spark and not with Alfred...




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14 hours ago, czwengel said:

Seems to be a Problem with Spark and not with Alfred...


Bingo. Spark is probably doing something like recognise the URL and then assume the text is HTML (where linebreaks are meaningless).


Perhaps @Andrew can confirm, but I believe the way Alfred snippets work is the snippet is copied to the pasteboard and marked as plaintext, pasted into the app, then Alfred resets the clipboard to its previous value.


If that is the case, then the issue would appear to be Spark not honouring the type of the pasteboard data.

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