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Snippets not working in Tweetdeck

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I am brand new to Alfred-- I installed because I want to use emoji snippets! I got the emoji pack and it's working well in most apps, but not TweetDeck. When I invoke a snippet and hit enter (which usually pastes the emoji) I get that "donk" sound of something not working, and nothing is pasted. I think it's because the text box loses focus when I open Alfred. Has anyone made snippets work with this particular app?

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@AmeliaMN If you haven't changed Alfred from the default focus mode, then the underlying app shouldn't loose focus when showing Alfred.


Having said that, I think TweetDeck may be written in a non-native cross-platform type toolkit / runtime... so the behaviour may not be standard macOS. Have you restarted your Mac recently? If not, this may kick the focus behaviour in TweetDeck back to normal.


As a work around, I believe the emoji pack has been correctly implement such that in this case, you can copy the emoji manually instead of pressing return to select the emoji. Then you can manually cmd+p to paste it where you need it.




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