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Calculator results are missing zero at the beginning

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Calculator results are missing zero at the beginning of result when result is between -1..1


Steps to reproduce:

- Show Alfred

- Type “1/2”

- Press Enter to copy the result “0.5” into clipboard

Observe that instead of “0.5”, you've got “.5” in the clipboard.


If this is intended behaviour, I can't understand it, because I know no software that supports removing zero at the beginning — it makes copy-pasting harder.

I also haven't seen this notation anywhere outside software world. Negative results looks even more weird: “-.5”.


Please either make an option to include this zero in the results, or (better) just include it by default.

Edited by Pavel Alexeev
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@Pavel Alexeev Alfred copies the minimally formed number by design as this offers maximum compatibility when pasting to all types of destination app. If you'd like to copy the fully formatted leading 0 number, you can use cmd+c on the result.


This has in fact been the behaviour in Alfred since the start, so I'm reluctant to consider changing it.

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