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Unable to find a specific folder via Alfred search

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I'm not sure when the issue started (probably a few weeks by my estimates), but I can't seem to find a specific folder in my Dropbox folder (called 'Scan' for referential purposes) despite specifically adding it to the Search Scope.



  • I can find every sub-folder and file within via Alfred search
  • I can find every same-level folder via Alfred search
  • I can find aforementioned 'Scan' folder via Spotlight search and all files within


What should I do?

Edited by EricCartman
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  • 2 weeks later...

@EricCartman There are two things I would encourage you to check:


  1. Dropbox have relatively recently added a Smart Sync feature (for business and family users at least) which lists a file without storing it locally on your Mac. Make sure that any files you want to find locally are stored locally: https://www.dropbox.com/help/desktop-web/smart-sync
  2. Open Spotlight's Privacy tab, drag in your Scan folder (or the whole Dropbox folder if you think the issue might apply to more than just that folder), wait 30 seconds. Drag the folder out, wait another 30 seconds.

Dragging to Spotlight Privacy and back out is like a targetted reindex of just those files, and 30 seconds should gives macOS sufficient time to refresh its index for those folders and files. 


Try searching again and let me know how you get on.



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Hi @Vero

  1. I am on a Dropbox Basic account, I have checked that the Smart Sync feature is not available to me.
  2. I have done as you said with dragging the elusive folder in and out of System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy but to no avail. The problem persists.



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@EricCartman This is unusual, as Dropbox folders are like any other folders on your Mac, provided they're not set up to use Smart Sync.


You'll need to do a bit of troubleshooting on your own Mac, as this isn't a known issue. For example...

  • Try creating a new folder in Dropbox. Is this folder found?
  • Try creating a new folder on your Desktop, is it found?
  • Try changing the name of your folder?
  • Do you see numerous results for the keyword "scan" and this result might just be further down the list than what's visible?
  • Provide a screenshot of your Default Results Alfred prefs and the exact path of the folder you're searching for
  • Which version of Alfred and macOS are you using?


Also, you can install the Alfred Metadata Tool and drag the folder in to see whether the folder has appropriate metadata to be found:






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Point #3 actually did the trick. The original name of the holder is ‘Scan’. Changing it to ‘Scanned’ immediately enabled it to be found with Alfred. However, switching its name back withdrew it from the search yet again. 


After changing its name back to ‘Scan’ and adding the folder to the Search Scope of Alfred, I can finally find the folder.


Thanks Vero, the problem is solved.


MacOS High Sierra: 10.13.6 (17G65)
Alfred 3.6.1 [910]

Edited by EricCartman
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