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1Password Secure Notes

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I'm able to use Alfred to find and display a secure note from 1Password using the standard Alfred search panel. 


However, I'd like to create a workflow that:


1. Opens a URL

2. Opens a Spreadsheet

3. Opens the 1Password secure note. 


1 and 2 are easy but is 3 possible? If so, how?



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@donmc I'd be interested in hearing a bit more about what you want to achieve with this - as it's likely to be possible.


For example, would you always be opening the same secure note? Or would this be changing dynamically and need to be selected from your 1PW vault? For the former, it should be possible to work out the ID of the note and open it from a workflow.


Would the URL and spreadsheet also remain the same or need to be selected dynamically? :)



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Hi Vero, 


Yes, the secure note would always be the same - I have an online bank account with a security dongle. The secure note contains the PIN for the dongle. 


So when I'm reconciling banks accounts I want to login to my bank URL and have the secure note pop up so I can read the PIN. The spreadsheet also remains the same each time.

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@donmc that makes it a bit easier!


As this is to do with 1Password data, could you pop an email to our info@ address and I'll let you know how to find out the 1Password UUIDs you need to open your secure note :)


Also include in the email if you're using 1Password 6 or 7.




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