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Alfred is changing the search order mid-word


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  • What you were doing when the issue happened

Every day searching

  • Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action

Yes, see this Gif: Gif

  • Include any screenshots that might help us

Gif: Gif

  • Include the Alfred version & build number you are using

v.3.7 [938]

  • Include your OS X version

10.14 (18A391)



Whenever I try to open my pictures folder (Bilder in Swedish), If I search for "Bild" it opens "Displays" ("Bildskärmar" in Swedish). If I search for "B", "Bi", "Bil" or "Bilder" it opens the correct application. But not with "Bild" which is super annoying. This isn't a new bug (or feauture) but I haven't gotten to report it yet. Its been with alfred for a while. 

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@Magto Alfred learns from your usage, so you would've previously opened Displays when typing the "Bild" keyword. This is intrinsic to the way Alfred learns from the keywords you use and the selections you make. :) 


If you'd prefer a different result to appear at the top for "Bild", just select it a couple of times, and Alfred will learn your new preferred result.


If you want to reset Alfred's knowledge, so that he starts learning from fresh, go to Alfred's Preferences > Advanced > Learning > Clear Knowledge. 


[Moved to Discussion & Help]



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@Magto the learning is based on the currently typed phrase, not just how many times you've selected it. For example, if you're selecting 'Energy Saver' when typing 'sa', then Alfred will never present 'Safari' at the top for the same keyword 'sa', even if it's you're most selected app when 's' is typed.


To clarify, Alfred latches the typed phrase in Alfred's window to your selected result with that typed phrase.

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