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show filePath for file results


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Hi all, 


I recently switched from Launchbar to Alfred, I hesitated a long time but am very happy with the switch so far. One of the features I love from Alfred is the capability to find files by even looking inside the files with the "in" command. However, I miss one important feature of which I do not know if this is possible or not... when you search you see the file names, but some files (especially development code related) exist with the same file name in multiple locations. Is it possible to show the file path where the file is located below the file name? Now it is is just a long list of files of which for some of them I do not know if it is my own coding or some framework file for example. 


And maybe even more interesting for me... is it possible to force the "in" command to only show results when the file is in a specific directory (or sub directories from there), for example with chaining commands as Launchbar can do? 


Kind Regards, 

Nico van der Linden 


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Hi @noki, welcome to the forum.


Perhaps I've misunderstood your question or perhaps your theme is too low-contrast for your screen. The path is already there, literally right under your arrow. My theme is more legible:




2 hours ago, noki said:

And maybe even more interesting for me... is it possible to force the "in" command to only show results when the file is in a specific directory


Not using the in command, but this is something File Filters can do.

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4 hours ago, deanishe said:

Hi @noki, welcome to the forum.


Perhaps I've misunderstood your question or perhaps your theme is too low-contrast for your screen. The path is already there, literally right under your arrow. My theme is more legible:





Not using the in command, but this is something File Filters can do.


Sorry you're completely right... I already did not understand why something so obvious was missing in this functionality. I just looked on my MacBook and there I indeed see the path below it but on my iMac I couldn't see it... however, I just looked at my screenshot and now when I look closely it is indeed there as well so I should pick a different skin on my iMac 🙂


I will have a look at the File Filters, they sound interesting. Do you know if these can look inside files as well (like "in") or do they only allow filtering on file names?


Kind Regards, 

Nico van der Linden

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1 hour ago, noki said:

Sorry you're completely right... I already did not understand why something so obvious was missing in this functionality


No problem. I can only just see the paths in your screenshot on my Cinema screen if I look very closely (I was on my MacBook earlier), and if I didn't already know they were there, I would assume you had subtitles turned off in Alfred Preferences or that they were a weird compression artefact in the screenshot.


1 hour ago, noki said:

Do you know if these can look inside files as well (like "in") or do they only allow filtering on file names?


Absolutely. File Filters are very configurable, and can search any field(s) that the system's indexer (the same one Spotlight uses) captures.


As you're coming from LaunchBar, it bears mentioning that "the Alfred way" is to use multiple, fairly narrowly-targeted searches via File Filters, rather than dump everything in your default scope.


If you put everything in your default search scope, you just end up with a purple version of Spotlight, and lose a lot of Alfred's speed and power. Alfred remembers which results you select for a specific query and moves them to the top of the result list. As a result, the more stuff you include in a search scope (be it the default scope or a File Filter), the more specific your queries have to be to consistently get a specific item as the first result.

Edited by deanishe
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