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Option: suffixes instead of prefixes

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  • 3 months later...

This is actually really nice - now that I'm used to Drafts on iOS where one starts with text and acts on it.  I had ignored the thread the first time round but I need to give this a try on a regular basis.


What would it take to allow execution of keywords / list filters / script filters as well?  Ideally I'd like to set up a whitelist of a half dozen or so that I could use, leaving all other disabled.  Frequently I'll use searches to locate a book in libraries, for example, then run a workflow to download the citation and add it to BibDesk.

Edited by dfay
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13 minutes ago, dfay said:

This is actually really nice


Agree. There are definitely some cases where it's a really good fit.


7 minutes ago, dfay said:

What would it take to allow execution of keywords / list filters / script filters as well?


Parsing your workflows' info.plist files to find them, grabbing their icons, and the whitelist. You'd also want to cache the data, as it'd take a relatively long time to parse the dozens of files.


It should be easy enough to pass the right-way-round command back to Alfred. The chief snag would be that running the command would put an extra item in your history, so you'd have to double-tab ↑ to get back to your reverse query.

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31 minutes ago, dfay said:

Drafts on iOS where one starts with text and acts on it


Drafts on iOS is awesome. I've been using it for years. I don't think I've ever actually entered anything directly in Reminders.


I don't really get the macOS version, though. It doesn't have any actions as far as I can tell, which seems to make it … well … not Drafts.


Perhaps it's supposed to replace nvAlt and the like?

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  • 1 year later...

@deanishe  Registered to the forum just to say thank you!. Workflow is magic, as @Jakub Sypiański says.


I mostly figure out what I need with Alfred Workflow, but the suffix use case was driving me crazy. I was trying to replicate the behavior of Haste (great app if you want a simpler version), but my OCD suffered by having both apps open. 


Anyways, thanks again for sharing the script – saved me a bunch of extra grey hairs.

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  • 3 years later...

I was happy to find this topic as I've been wanting this feature. Unfortunately, the workflow does not work for me as I outlined in this post:

I'm curious if @deanishe or anyone else has updated this workflow for Python 3? Or has gotten it to work with Python 2?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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