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Drag and drop for File buffer

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You do realize that you can do that from the main Alfred interface though correct? You can select search results and drag them out of the main Alfred window for use in other locations just like you are currently suggesting


I do realize that. The point is that I can drag'n'drop only one element in the way you described. What I was mean is to drag all files selected (by using alt+down arrow) in file buffer into somewhere else.

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My idea is to get more from File buffer ability. It is superb right now, but I think it could be even better with drag and drop. What I mean is to select files into buffer and then would be possible to drag those anywhere we want to drop. Similar to DragonDrop app.




I would like to add that there should be a way to drag either a single item or all items. Yes, a single item can be 'pulled out' of the main results, but what if you want to use Alfred's buffer as a catchall for files you know you will soon need?


Wider support for drag and drop would be lovely  :wub:


Cheers :)

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I would propose an icon in the file buffer that is draggable and represents all the files in the buffer.  That way it is a matter of dragging a single item or dragging the catch-all icon. I too regularly use Alfred for locating files to add to email or to projects, and it would be much easier if I could do the final step all at once rather than repeat it for each separate item.

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On 11/11/2013 at 3:32 AM, swc said:

On a related note, I think the ability to copy items in the buffer to the clipboard (the actual items, not just the paths) would solve some of these problems as well. I've requested that enhancement also here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3409-add-option-to-copy-actual-file-rather-than-file-path/


As David mentioned there, what you are asking is possible already, even if not the way you’re asking. This specific thread is about something that is not yet possible in any way, within Alfred. Copying from the buffer is easy, and we can do it (as you did), but for drag and drop, we need Alfred’s team to intervene.

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The lack of ability to drag more than one item from buffer is the sole reason I keep another drag and drop tool (dropover) on my mac. I use it rarely enough (prefer to use Alfred for nearly all of its functionality, including storing a single file for dropping) I don't even run it at startup anymore. Copy and paste works sometimes, but some apps/web UX don't support pasting where they except a file drop. Very annoying to be inside an alfred flow and then have to remember "ah, you need dropover because you want to drop 5 files and paste doesn't work here".


A huge +1 on multiple file drop from me


Edited by def
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