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Drag and drop for File buffer

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+1 for multiple file drag-and-drop. File buffer is incredible and this multi-file drag is the final frontier for it to replace the need for finder entirely!

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I currently also use DropOver and could ideally replace it with Alfred.


Besides being able to get all files out at once I would also need to be able to drop files into the buffer.

I often drag an image from the browser into DropOver and then into a place where I need it. It's way easier than to download the image and then get it from ~/Downloads.

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For those of you who use DropOver, you might be interested in this script.

I use it in DropOver to

- send all files of the shelf to Alfred

- "drop" files directly into Alfred (via a Quick Action in DropOver)

So you can directly process the files with all your File Actions in Alfred.


#!/usr/bin/env zsh
for file in $@; do
osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 5\" to action {$arg}"


Edited by jandamm
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