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Label Colour Tag — Edit file labels and tags

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EDIT: nvm, I see it's not possible based on Vitor's response. Will add tags manually to the list filter🙁 

Yeah this is what I do. I created a txt file with the list of tags, but I never updated it after that due to it being an additional manual step. Which means I never use the action and still tag files through the slower Finder way.


If there was a way to automatically update the .txt file with all of Finder's tags, via a 3rd party tool or macro or something, it would make this action more practical and 100% usable.   I already asked the question a couple years ago in this thread.  @vitor explained it's not possible due to apple's API.     I'm assuming nothing's changed since then?

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18 hours ago, dterranova said:

If there was a way to automatically update the .txt file with all of Finder's tags, via a 3rd party tool or macro or something


Auto-updating the file is easy, but what would you auto-update it with? If you could get the data to auto-update the file you wouldn’t need the file in the first place because they could just be listed directly.


18 hours ago, dterranova said:

I'm assuming nothing's changed since then?


I wouldn’t count on it ever changing. That’s just the Apple way. If you want the feature, you need to let Apple know via Feedback Assistant.

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yeah true, I guess i’m thinking any hacky workarounds like:  Keyboard Maestro > Open “List of tags” window > screenshot > extract text > update csv > repeat daily/weekly etc.

Pretty ugly!

And i’m not sure KM can do that without it being a monstrously invasive process, but that’s the sort of thing i was thinking. 


But also, there’s more pressing things in life to spend time on ;) 

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