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Flow - Minimal Project Management

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Flow: A Minimal Project Management Workflow

Flow is an Alfred workflow that provides a File Action for quick project management processes written in Bash. It's a minimal solution for tasks and project management that stays out of your way so you can stay focused. 

Version 1.1 Updates

1. More simplicity for the workflow variable declarations. You can now declare your variables with the standard path syntax such as notes=~/Documents/Notes. 

2. Also in version 1.1, the tag cli tool is included for those who do not have it installed via homebrew so you do not need to install it. If you do have it installed in it’s default location (via homebrew) /usr/local/bin/tag the workflow will use that version instead of the one included. A Real Life Example


In any given moment of thought or email/message received, I want to be able to bring up Alfred and make a selection from things on my desktop to: 


  1. Apply a simple tag
  2. Include a memo
  3. Be done with it (I don’t even want to see it anymore) until I’m ready to focus on it later.


This way I won’t lose (hardly) any time but more important; I don’t lose the mental real-estate that I already have accrued while working in a different project at that moment. 

The idea is that by applying the tag you set a process in motion to migrate the selected item(s) over to your main Projects directory where you ideally keep them. The tag options are (tomorrow, shelf, or any day of the week) and the selected items are moved accordingly. 


Also included is a script that can process the items for “today” meaning that if you invoke the script with the hotkey “ttoday” it will comb through your projects directory and look for items tagged with the matching tag for whatever today is (sunday-saturday), or with “tomorrow” and symlink them to the desktop. I find using this script as a launch utility when booting up is the best.


Thanks for taking the time to read and give Flow a look. I’ve included the technical information in the “About this Workflow” that should show up when you import it into Alfred.


You can download the workflow here: https://cp.sync.com/dl/9a0958280/gauk3st2-pdbjhpjb-purw294c-2usf89s5

Edited by msa
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