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Cannot find apps in the Setapp folder (Catalina)

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The problem is quite simple, but pestering: Just cann't find any app in Setapp folder, which is a subfolder in Applications folder.


  • Alfred Version: Alfred 4.0.5 Build 1118, Tuesday 15th October 2019 (Also tried pre-release version 4.0.6)
  • macOS Version: Catalina 10.15.1


The methods I have already tried to fix it, but failed:


  1. rebuild the metadata;
  2. clear the application cache;
  3. re-grant all the required permissions;
  4. add /Applications/Setapp folder into the Search Scope (which had been already there, I reset it and re-added it);
  5. relaunch Alfred;
  6. reboot the computer;
  7. upgrad Alfred to the pre-release version (and rebuild the metadata after);
  8. reinstall Alfred;
  9. every single 
  10. just wait for 24 hours


None of above works.


And Spotlight works fine (and all Spotlight Search Results checked), Alfred works fine for all the other subfolders in Applications folder.


An example:


Typeface is an app in the Setapp folder, which can easily be find with Spotlight, but not Aflred (Screenshot is attached). And the result from Alfred metadata analyzer is as follows:



Internal File Metadata

 Display Name: Typeface.app
    Alt Names: Typeface.app
    File Type: com.apple.application-bundle
     Keywords: typeface,typography,font,fonts,font manager,tags,organization,organisation,ttf,otf,dfont,truetype,opentype,postscript,lettering,letters,ligatures,glyphs,characters,design,activation,compare,classification,serif,sans serif
    Last Used: 

Raw mdls File Metadata

_kMDItemDisplayNameWithExtensions      = "Typeface.app"
kMDItemAlternateNames                  = (
kMDItemAppStoreCategory                = "Graphics & Design"
kMDItemAppStoreCategoryType            = "public.app-category.graphics-design"
kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier              = "com.criminalbird.typeface-setapp"
kMDItemContentCreationDate             = 2019-10-31 00:20:10 +0000
kMDItemContentCreationDate_Ranking     = 2019-10-31 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemContentModificationDate         = 2019-10-31 00:20:10 +0000
kMDItemContentModificationDate_Ranking = 2019-10-31 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemContentType                     = "com.apple.application-bundle"
kMDItemContentTypeTree                 = (
kMDItemCopyright                       = "Copyright © 2019 criminalbird. All rights reserved."
kMDItemDateAdded                       = 2019-10-31 12:33:57 +0000
kMDItemDateAdded_Ranking               = 2019-10-31 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemDisplayName                     = "Typeface.app"
kMDItemDocumentIdentifier              = 0
kMDItemExecutableArchitectures         = (
kMDItemFSContentChangeDate             = 2019-10-31 00:20:10 +0000
kMDItemFSCreationDate                  = 2019-10-31 00:20:10 +0000
kMDItemFSCreatorCode                   = ""
kMDItemFSFinderFlags                   = 16
kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon                 = (null)
kMDItemFSInvisible                     = 0
kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden             = 1
kMDItemFSIsStationery                  = (null)
kMDItemFSLabel                         = 0
kMDItemFSName                          = "Typeface.app"
kMDItemFSNodeCount                     = 1
kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID                  = 20
kMDItemFSOwnerUserID                   = 501
kMDItemFSSize                          = 46492869
kMDItemFSTypeCode                      = ""
kMDItemInterestingDate_Ranking         = 2019-10-31 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemKeywords                        = "typeface,typography,font,fonts,font manager,tags,organization,organisation,ttf,otf,dfont,truetype,opentype,postscript,lettering,letters,ligatures,glyphs,characters,design,activation,compare,classification,serif,sans serif"
kMDItemKind                            = "Application"
kMDItemLogicalSize                     = 46492869
kMDItemPhysicalSize                    = 46768128
kMDItemVersion                         = "2.6.2"




Really need help, thank you.


Update: Fixed by add /System/Volumes to the search scope. Thank you all you guys.

Edited by haohailong
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In macOS Catalina, Applications may not ACTUALLY exist in /Applications/, so adding this or a subfolder of this to Alfred's search scope may not give you the results you expect.


For example, these are two underlying mappings in macOS:


The /Applications/ folder you see in Finder is actually /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/, but with some system applications listed in this folder actually residing in /System/Applications/. Likewise, /Applications/Utilities/ is actually /System/Applications/Utilities/.


If you open Terminal and do an mdfind for one of the apps, it should show the original location. For example, paste this in Terminal.app:


mdfind "kMDItemContentType == 'com.apple.application-bundle' && kMDItemDisplayName == 'Typeface*'"


Having said all this, this does sound unusual behaviour. Could you try temporarily creating a new user account, and seeing if Alfred (and Spotlight) find the Typeface app when logged into that account?


@deanishe fwiw, reload is relatively passive. It reloads certain system stuff, and flushes the caches, but doesn't actively go searching for apps until the user starts searching in Alfred.




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@haohailong At this point, I'm not sure what could be going on and wether Setapp is doing something special when it comes to Spotlight (i.e. I can see an option within Setapp where it can also show non-installed apps, which means it may be doing some Core Spotlight things too).


Is the /Applications/Setapp/ folder in Spotlight's privacy area?


Are there any hidden files within the Setapp folder causing a noindex? (use ls -la in Terminal and look for . prefix files)


Could you try temporarily moving the application to somewhere else, for example, your Desktop?

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@Andrew The ls -la result is as follows:


drwxr-xr-x@  63 Langlib-HAO  admin   2016  1 Nov 22:07 .

drwxrwxr-x+ 134 root         admin   4288  1 Nov 21:27 ..

-rwxr-xr-x@   1 Langlib-HAO  admin  18436  1 Nov 22:07 .DS_Store



Nothing special. 


When I copied the app to or make an alias on the Desktop, Alfred can find it without a hitch.


And I asked a few friends, who also use alfred and setapp, they didn't bump into this problem. It seems I am the only person who have this problem. It's pretty furastrating.


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15 minutes ago, haohailong said:

When I copied the app to or make an alias on the Desktop, Alfred can find it without a hitch.


Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app from Setapp? Or even just manually deleting the app from the Setapp folder and copying back in manually to see if it's found?


16 minutes ago, haohailong said:

It seems I am the only person who have this problem. It's pretty furastrating.


Correct, and I haven't heard others with the problem too. This isn't a bug in Alfred, it's a macOS indexing issue which is outside of Alfred's control. Catalina is still pretty new and quirky, so it's difficult to identify what's actually happening here.

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7 minutes ago, Andrew said:

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app from Setapp? Or even just manually deleting the app from the Setapp folder and copying back in manually to see if it's found?

I'll try and

8 minutes ago, Andrew said:

Correct, and I haven't heard others with the problem too. This isn't a bug in Alfred, it's a macOS indexing issue which is outside of Alfred's control. Catalina is still pretty new and quirky, so it's difficult to identify what's actually happening here.


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On 11/1/2019 at 11:43 AM, haohailong said:
On 11/1/2019 at 11:35 AM, Andrew said:

Correct, and I haven't heard others with the problem too. This isn't a bug in Alfred, it's a macOS indexing issue which is outside of Alfred's control. Catalina is still pretty new and quirky, so it's difficult to identify what's actually happening here.


Not sure if this is related; I just upgraded to Catalina and now loads of system apps (and possibly others) are missing, e.g. SystemPrefs, ActivityMonitor etc.
Right after the upgrade I was seeing two of many applications (in both /Applications and /Volumes/Data/Applications) but after just trying a "reload" there's now just the ones in /Volumes/Data/Applications (UPDATE: just seen the other post about pre-Catalina locations which explains that).
I came here first to see if there was a standard fix for this, now I'm off to try and prod the macOS indexing to see if I can get it working.


Update 2: I manually added /System/Applications to search scopes which seemed to work unless you reset to defaults, but after just updating to latest v4.0.6 it now finds system apps even with default scopes.

Edited by Champie
Updated info
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  • 1 year later...

Yes, I use the last version.


For instance, if I run the troubleshooter with the app "Commander One" :



Starting Diagnostics...

File: 'Commander One.app'
Path: '/Applications/Setapp'


Check file cache database...

File cache integrity is ok


Check if file is readable...

Alfred has permissions to read this file.


Check if volume '/' is indexed by macOS...

Indexing is enabled on this drive


Check direct file metadata...

Direct metadata available

Display Name: Commander One
 Other Names: Commander One.app
Content Type: com.apple.application-bundle
   Last Used: 2021-01-06 20:42:17 +0000


Check mdls file metadata...

Metadata contains required items

_kMDItemDisplayNameWithExtensions      = "Commander One.app"
kMDItemAlternateNames                  = (
    "Commander One.app"
kMDItemAppStoreCategory                = "Utilitaires"
kMDItemAppStoreCategoryType            = "public.app-category.utilities"
kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier              = "com.eltima.cmd1-setapp"
kMDItemContentCreationDate             = 2020-10-23 13:35:16 +0000
kMDItemContentCreationDate_Ranking     = 2020-10-23 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemContentModificationDate         = 2020-10-23 13:35:16 +0000
kMDItemContentModificationDate_Ranking = 2020-10-23 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemContentType                     = "com.apple.application-bundle"
kMDItemContentTypeTree                 = (
kMDItemCopyright                       = "© 2020 Electronic Team, Inc. All rights reserved."
kMDItemDateAdded                       = 2020-10-30 06:09:40 +0000
kMDItemDateAdded_Ranking               = 2020-10-30 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemDisplayName                     = "Commander One"
kMDItemDocumentIdentifier              = 0
kMDItemExecutableArchitectures         = (
kMDItemFSContentChangeDate             = 2020-10-23 13:35:16 +0000
kMDItemFSCreationDate                  = 2020-10-23 13:35:16 +0000
kMDItemFSCreatorCode                   = ""
kMDItemFSFinderFlags                   = 16
kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon                 = (null)
kMDItemFSInvisible                     = 0
kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden             = 1
kMDItemFSIsStationery                  = (null)
kMDItemFSLabel                         = 0
kMDItemFSName                          = "Commander One.app"
kMDItemFSNodeCount                     = 1
kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID                  = 20
kMDItemFSOwnerUserID                   = 501
kMDItemFSSize                          = 90769293
kMDItemFSTypeCode                      = ""
kMDItemInterestingDate_Ranking         = 2021-01-06 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemKeywords                        = "total,commander,ftp,ftps,client,sftp,rar,7zip,tar,zip,unzip,compress,uncompress,file,manager,mtp,android,task,archive,ios,transfer,archiver,google,amazon,dropbox,onedrive,teamdrive,gdisk,team,connect,drive"
kMDItemKind                            = "Application"
kMDItemLastUsedDate                    = 2021-01-06 20:42:17 +0000
kMDItemLastUsedDate_Ranking            = 2021-01-06 00:00:00 +0000
kMDItemLogicalSize                     = 90769293
kMDItemPhysicalSize                    = 91602944
kMDItemUseCount                        = 22
kMDItemUsedDates                       = (
    "2020-10-29 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2020-11-01 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2020-11-05 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2020-11-17 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2020-11-27 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2020-12-04 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2020-12-13 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2020-12-23 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2021-01-02 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2021-01-04 23:00:00 +0000",
    "2021-01-05 23:00:00 +0000"
kMDItemVersion                         = "2.5.2"


Check file is in search scope...

File exists within Alfred's default search scope


Troubleshooting passed


But, Alfred doesn't find the app...



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@Jeff_314 If you prefix your search with the spacebar (which broadens the file search), does the app appear in results?


Even when the information appears to be correct in the metadata, it can be beneficial to rebuild your index (and solves the vast majority of index-related issues)


To do this fully, please follow these steps carefully:

- Grant Terminal Full Disk Access
- Go to Alfred's Advanced preferences and click "Rebuild macOS Metadata"
- Check the box to delete Spotlight-V100
- Go through to Terminal, enter your password then keep a close eye for any error messages relating to the index


Once the process has completed, type "reload" into Alfred and try searching again. Let me know how you get on. :)



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