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Multiple Global Hotkeys on all apps


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I am trying to create global hotkeys to switch between mac spaces by creating a bundle that:

1- takes hotkeys as input (option shift + key ) 

2- trigger applescripts system event control + number key 

This works when i have a single hotkey inside my bundle 


However once i add a 2nd hotkey, it stops working because once i change "hotkey is only active when the following apps"  to "don't have focus" without selecting any app ,

the setting on the other key is automatically reverted to "have focus" and i can't them both to be "don't have focus" 
By using a different bundle i can create a 2nd global hotkey however this is a lot clutter


help appreciated, thanks

Edited by ohmz90
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@ohmz90 I'm unable to reproduce what you've tried to describe. Could you please provide a simple example workflow which exhibits the issue (with notes on the workflow objects of what you are expecting)?


I have configured two hotkeys wired in to respective post notifications, one hotkey set to "have focus" and one set to "don't have focus", and they both work as expected.




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