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Is it me or does highlighting text automatically copy to clipboard?

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I've noticed for months when I copy pieces of text/code, and then highlight some text and press paste, the most recently highlighted text is pasted which in affect changes nothing. Theres a strange behavior where something I highlight to replace gets copied to the clipboard, its quote frustrating. I initially thought it was some plugin in my Sublime Text editor thats messing around (as thats usually where I'm copying and pasting snippets in) but I've noticed it happens in my web browser as well.


I have clipboard manager enabled in Alfred and wondered if theres something in Alfred thats doing this?

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@ihavenoidea Alfred's clipboard history manager watches for changes in the macOS pasteboard, and as such, doesn't even know when you are selecting text.


I know that certain apps (such as iTerm) have options to automatically copy text to the clipboard on selection, and there may be other apps which do this too.




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