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Are there any good Giphy workflows?

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I'm looking for a Giphy workflow that will allow me to search, when results are shown ideally I'd like to be able to see the gif preview on the right hand side (similar to the clipboard manager with images). Selecting the image should copy to clipboard and paste image, using an alt key should copy the direct URL.


I'm sure I could build a workflow to do this using the API but wondered if anyone had already built one or come across one that can do all the above? I have one called Alphy but it doesn't have any preview features.

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1 hour ago, ihavenoidea said:

I'm looking for a Giphy workflow that will allow me to search, when results are shown ideally I'd like to be able to see the gif preview on the right hand side (similar to the clipboard manager with images).


Alfred doesn’t provide an interface for using that in Workflows.

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