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Custom Scheme/URL for Apple Music App Search (like Spotify)

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In Apple Music, I am trying to replicate an Alfred Custom URL search I use to search Spotify's catalog directly in the app (i.e. not in a browser).


The Alfred Spotify Custom Search URL search is: `spotify:search:{query}`

This will open Spotify in the Mac app and perform the search (screenshot attached).


I've tried various modifications for the Apple Music app, like `music:search:{query}` and `spotify:search:term={query}` and various others that are close to the browser-based search query: `https://music.apple.com/us/search?term=[query-here]`


The above queries starting in 'music...' don't work. The do open Apple Music directly on the Mac and start playing whatever is next in the queue.


Does anyone know of the correct scheme to use to perform the searches in Apple Music via Alfred?








spotify working search.jpg

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I don't think Music.app supports deep routes like Spotify does. 


You can find the available URL schemes in the app's info.plist file:


In order to open Music.app to a specific resource, you typically need to generate a full URL with song, album, or artist metadata. You can generate these links using Apple's Services Marketing Tools.


With that tool, you can generate links that will open a specific song in Music.app (but won't perform a search).


To achieve your desired outcome, however, I would recommend @gingerbeardman's Search Apple Music Workflow, which was discussed here.


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Thanks for taking the time to reply, @chris! Useful info.


I took a look at the dev docs on Apple. Closest I got to what I needed was here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applemusicapi/search_for_catalog_resources


But you're right, the URL schemes (if that's what they are called) are very limited.


I did take a look at the workflow you mention, but my Alfred kludge is closer to what I want so I'll stick with that for now.

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