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TinyPNG — Compress images via TinyPNG

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When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of:

  • The Workflow.
  • Alfred.
  • macOS.

In addition to:

  • The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.
  • Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster.

Thank you. Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis which allows me to help you better.

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  • 1 month later...

When I try to run the workflow by external trigger I get "Input file is empty" error, but the file is present in the Desktop folder. Can you help? I am a newbie to AppleScript. Thanks!


maciek@Tiger-MS ~ % cd ~/Desktop 
maciek@Tiger-MS Desktop % ls
maciek@Tiger-MS Desktop % /usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred"
    run trigger ¬
        "compress" in workflow ¬
        "com.alfredapp.tinypng" with argument ¬
        (POSIX path of (path to desktop folder)) & "tinypng panda.png"
end tell'


The result: https://monosnap.com/file/xb7M5FnArE4V25jSmBzEvqPFa2a32M

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Welcome @Maciej Swoboda,


3 minutes ago, Maciej Swoboda said:

but the file is present in the Desktop folder.


Are you sure? Because that message comes from the TinyPNG API, not the Workflow, and is exactly what happens when you give it a path which doesn’t exist. The file needs to be a PNG named exactly tinypng panda.png

It also might help if you explain why you are using the External Trigger. That’s for advanced usage.

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The file needs to be a PNG named exactly tinypng panda.png


Oh, I got caught by that! I thought that the "tinypng" in not part of the filename, but the command to run the script "tinypng" on the "panda.png" file.


Thanks a lot. It works now and I am a bit ashamed.



It also might help if you explain why you are using the External Trigger. That’s for advanced usage.


I am trying to use the workflow as part of my Hazel rule set.

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10 hours ago, Maciej Swoboda said:

Oh, I got caught by that! I thought that the "tinypng" in not part of the filename, but the command to run the script "tinypng" on the "panda.png" file.


That's a very valid point though - I'll keep this in mind for future blog posts and ensure this kind of example doesn't cause confusion :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...



Added a new External Trigger to compress without showing a notification. This is useful if, for example, you have a directory on watch whose files automatically get compressed and don’t want to get notifications for those automated steps.


To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.

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  • 5 months later...
42 minutes ago, absoluut said:

What's the best way to achieve the directory watch for auto-compression?

However is most convenient to you. Personally I use launchd whenever I need to watch a path. Though watching a directory and compressing the contents without moving them first might not be a good idea, because the compression itself will change the file and you might end up with an endless cycle of compression.


48 minutes ago, absoluut said:

but can't seem to get Alfred to recognize the input file.

You need to be explicit about what this means for me to be able to help. How exactly are you calling Alfred on the file? What exactly happens for you to say it isn’t recognised? What does the debugger say?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, EricCartman said:

However, I want the original file to be left alone and a compressed copy to be made (in the same folder).

That’s not available inside the workflow because it’s not what most people want and it introduces complexity, such as what exactly to call the compressed version and what to do if an image with that name already exists. The way it works is deliberate to avoid surprises and unexpected behaviour.


Because the behaviour is predictable, you can build another workflow that calls this one (it has an External Trigger) and otherwise organises stuff like you want.


E.g. Make your new workflow first copy the image to the same location with a new name then run the External Trigger on the duplicate.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi folks, I have a question regarding TinyPNG workflow

when I set up api and ran the workflow, nothing generated, then I took a look at the log, there was an error, says:

[07:37:16.682] ERROR: TinyPNG[Run Script] Invalid authorization header.

My guess it might due to my incorrect API set up since it is the only thing this workflow asks me to do. 

Here is an image of how I input api into the Environment Variable field, can you please help me to see if anything needs to change? 


thank you!


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6 hours ago, Stephen_C said:

in the relevant thread for the workflow.

It’s the official one in this case (as linked per the blog post). Merged with the correct thread.


@hnx Remove the environment variable. The correct way to set the API key is in the Workflow Configuration. Always follow the instructions in the Gallery or the workflow itself. That blog post was written before that type of configuration was possible.

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3 hours ago, vitor said:

It’s the official one in this case (as linked per the blog post). Merged with the correct thread.


@hnx Remove the environment variable. The correct way to set the API key is in the Workflow Configuration. Always follow the instructions in the Gallery or the workflow itself. That blog post was written before that type of configuration was possible.

Thank you, it works now.

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  • 6 months later...

Another wonderful workflow, @vitor ! But I have a little complain…

It would be great if the download file from TinyPNG has the same ‘Creation Date’ attribute as the original file. Since it's just a compressed version of that file. I modified the line in the Run Script object


  curl --silent "${compressed_url}" --output "${image}"


  curl --silent "${compressed_url}" > "${image}"

to achieve that. 


It would be great if you would consider making this change in the published version of this workflow!


It would be even better if the backed up files also have this attribute preserved. But the only solution I come up with is 

rsync --times --crtimes "${image}" "${backup_dir}"

with an updated version of rsync from homebrew. 

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3 minutes ago, spongeblink said:

if the download file from TinyPNG has the same ‘Creation Date’ attribute as the original file.


Just tested it, and it does. Before and after:






Either way, creation time is a bit of a nebulous concept that you shouldn’t rely too much on.


9 minutes ago, spongeblink said:

It would be even better if the backed up files also have this attribute preserved.


That’s fair. Will be in the next version.


10 minutes ago, spongeblink said:

But the only solution I come up with is


You just need -p from cp.

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10 minutes ago, vitor said:

Just tested it, and it does.

My mistake, it already does that. I must have looked for the wrong attribute. 


12 minutes ago, vitor said:

You just need -p from cp.

Sadly -p option from cp does not preserve the ‘Creation Date’ attribute on my machine. I'm using macOS 14.5. And this is the before and after:




Can this behavior be confirmed on your end?

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1 minute ago, vitor said:

It preserves it fine for me on 14.5.

That's weird. What command did you run? Mine was 

cp -p the_original_image_file.png target_directory

I did it once more just to be sure. And the ‘Creation Date’ attribute wasn't preserved on my end. The new file has a same attribute of ‘Date Created’ as the ‘Modified Date’ attribute of the original file.

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