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Open search query url in new browser window, not new tab?


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Is there a way to input settings for my workflow that would allow a search query url to open in a “new browser” window. At this time, I am able to open it in a "new tab", but it would be much better for my result to show up in a new window.


Thank you for any help. FYI, I am a newbie, so the layperson replies would be much appreciated. 

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Thank you Vítor for the help. 

I use both Safari and Chrome. 

So when we complete a search query through the Alfred search bar, say for a YouTube video, open the Alfred bar, then type yt (space) and then the search words, then when I hit enter, it opens the YouTube video search in a new tab, in the same browser window, however I’d like for that search result to open up in a new tab but also in a new browser window.

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The first thing to understand is that you can’t do this with the default custom searches, you must recreate the ones you want in a Workflow because you’ll need to run code to open the new browser window.


14 hours ago, bo9 said:

I’d like for that search result to open up in a new tab but also in a new browser window.

So you want it twice with one run?

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17 hours ago, bo9 said:

I use both Safari and Chrome.


This makes the code more complex, because in addition to asking the browser to open the window now it also needs to know which browser to do it for. Make a Run Script Action with Language /usr/bin/osascript (JavaScript), and in Script, paste:


const frontmost_app_name = Application('System Events').applicationProcesses.where({ frontmost: true }).name()[0]
const frontmost_app = Application(frontmost_app_name)
frontmost_app.includeStandardAdditions = true

const chromium_variants = ['Google Chrome', 'Chromium', 'Opera', 'Vivaldi', 'Brave Browser', 'Microsoft Edge']
const webkit_variants = ['Safari', 'Webkit']

if (chromium_variants.some(app_name => frontmost_app_name.startsWith(app_name))) {
} else if (webkit_variants.some(app_name => frontmost_app_name.startsWith(app_name))) {
} else {
  throw new Error('You need a supported browser as your frontmost app')

function run(argv) { frontmost_app.openLocation(argv[0]) }


That takes in whatever URL you send from the previous object and opens it in a new tab in the frontmost browser app, whatever that is (again, not Firefox).


If you want it to open in a new tab and in a new window, use this instead:


function run(argv) { 
  const frontmost_app_name = Application('System Events').applicationProcesses.where({ frontmost: true }).name()[0]
  const frontmost_app = Application(frontmost_app_name)
frontmost_app.includeStandardAdditions = true

  const chromium_variants = ['Google Chrome', 'Chromium', 'Opera', 'Vivaldi', 'Brave Browser', 'Microsoft Edge']
  const webkit_variants = ['Safari', 'Webkit']

  if (chromium_variants.some(app_name => frontmost_app_name.startsWith(app_name))) {
  } else if (webkit_variants.some(app_name => frontmost_app_name.startsWith(app_name))) {
  } else {
    throw new Error('You need a supported browser as your frontmost app')



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  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

Hi @vitor, I'm hoping to address the same need as the OP and have tried your code,

but it seems to be limited to the case where a browser app is the current front most app.


How should I modify the code to make it work even when a browser app is NOT the front most app?


To be more specific, here are my concrete user scenarios:

## Case1:

I am reading a pdf document, and want to search something on my default browser.

(Note: Unlike the OP, I want the search to be just done in my default browser.)

I want my search to be returned in a new window. 


## Case2:

I have a URL which can be acquired from my snippet (eg. I have a snippet `,,dn` set to "https://roamresearch.com/page/{date}" ) 

and I want to be able to open this URL in a new window.


I've been hoping to implement this workflow for some time, and would really appreciate your help.

Thank you!

Edited by cocoaaa
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